All Indonesian Words Starting with Y – Alphabet – Meaning

Aloha dear good people. Hopefully you are always healthy and spirited to learn Bahasa Indonesia.

By the way in this time, we still learn many Indonesian words to gain our vocabulary. The grammar in Bahasa Indonesia is kind of piece of cake. There is not so many rules in it. So that, let’s focus our Indonesian vocabulary.

Today, we shall discuss about the Indonesian word that starting with Y. Before starting our lesson, how you pronounce this letter ? Yes, it seems similar like you said “why”.

Indonesian Words Starting with Y

But, in Bahasa Indonesia, this 25th letter of Alphabet is pronounced as ” u-ei”. If you really want to know its sound, ask either any Indonesian or people who can speak Bahasa well. Okay, let us begin oir today’s lesson.

  1. Ya (yea) = Yes
  2. Yahudi (Yea-who-dee) = Jew/ Jewish
  3. Yahweh (Yea-waeh) = Jehovah
  4. Yahya (Yeah-yea) = the gospel name of John
  5. Yaitu (yae-itoo) = That is/ Namely/ i.e
  6. Yakin (yae-keen) = Sure/ Certain/ Of course/ Convinced/ Assured
  7. Yakni (Yuck-knee) (similar to “yaitu”) = Namely/ To be (Is/Am/Are)
  8. Yaman (Yea-muan) = Yemen
  9. Yang (young) = a particle word, like “which is” or “who are”
  10. Yatim (yea-team) = Fatherless
  11. Yatim piatu (Yea-team pee-ua-two) = Orphan
  12. Yayasan (yea-yea-sun) = Foundation/ Institution/ Establishment
  13. Yesus (Yae-soos) = Jesus
  14. Yudikatif (You-dee-kua-tif) = Judiciary
  15. Yugoslavia (You-glos-lavia) = Yogoslavia
  16. Yuk (yook) = To ask or persuade someone. Seem likely with “let’s”
  17. Yunani (You-nua-knee) = Greek/ Greece
  18. Yupiter (You-peter) = Jupiter (a name of planet)
  19. Yurisdiksi (You-risk-dik-see) = Jurisdiction

It can not be denied that only a few words that begins with Y in Indonesia Vocabulary. To make sure about it, you can check it on the great and formal Indonesian Dictionary. Its name is Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI).

Check out more Indonesian vocabularies:

By the way because of only little information that can be given to you, after learning about Indonesian words starting with Y, we will learn how to use some words. Especially the words that often make you confused. 

Let’s begin with the Indonesian word--yang.

  • Rumah putih yang terletak di Jalan Bougenville adalah rumahku = The white house where is located at Bougenville street is my house
  • Akhirnya saya mendapatkan buku yang telah saya cari selama ini = Finally, I get the book which I have looked for since a long time ago
  • Ibuku sangat senang mengenakan gaun yang saya beli pada minggu lalu = My mom likes to attire the gown that I bought in last week.

Nah, can you understand about how the word “yang” is used ? Hopefull you do. Then, now let’s move on to another word that often the beginner who learn Indonesian language being confused. The word that is meant is either “yaitu” or “yakni”.

Check out more Indonesian vocabularies:

Please before learning how both words are used, you shoul know that actually there is not any difference of meaning between both words. Yes, both words have the same meaning.

Okay then, here we go the example given how both words are used. Check it out :

  • Untuk membuat roti isi, semua yang kamu butuhkan yaitu roti, daging, keju, dan sayur = To make the sandwich, all you need is bread, beef, cheese, and the vegetables.
  • Belanjaan saya yakni ikan, tahu, tomat, dan ayam = My shoppings are fish, tofu, tonato, and chicken.

That is all materials we can learn in this session lesson. See you, good people!

Categories: Vocabulary