99 Lists of Indonesian Conjunctions – Grammar with Examples

Hello, fellow Travellers! Welcome to Mastering Bahasa! How was your travel in Indonesia? Pretty nice, no? We have to admit that Indonesia is the land of limitless adventure! But do you have trouble to communicate with the citizens when you are travelling? Are you backpacker who cannot afford an everyday interpreter? Say no more worries since Mastering Bahasa is one but the best site for you to learn Indonesian language! In this article, we are going to learn Indonesian Conjunctions Words! Not only that, there will be sentences examples and in the end we will give you a short conversation example!

As you may already have known, conjunction is a “bridge” to connect two or more ideas. In Indonesian language, we understand “conjunction word” as “kata konjungsi”. As you can see, even the translated phrase is not too different with the English version. So, it should not be a problem for you, do you think? Here we are going to give you a quick example for the usage of Indonesian Conjunctions :

Saya dan Budi bermain bola.
Budi and I is playing ball.

Can you see that? “Dan” and “And” is not too different for the order of the alphabet. Although not all of Indonesian conjunctions are not like the previous example, but every English conjunctions has Indonesian conjunctions version too! And, unlike English, which every idea that are connected by any kind of conjunction should be the same type of word, Indonesian conjunctions is much simpler than that! We will give you another example:

Saya malas dan tidak bersemangat.
I am lazy and not excited. ⇒ Wrong in English proper grammar

Very easy right? So it should not be a burden for you! Now let’s begin our study of Indonesian Conjunctions!

Indonesian Conjunctions that Connect Clauses

There are three types of Indonesian conjunctions that connects clauses.

1. Correlative Conjunction

This type of Indonesian conjunctions connect between two clauses which have the same degree in syntax.

Kata Konjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Word

baik … maupun[/td] [td]Both… and…

Tidak hanya … Namun juga…[/td] [td]Not only… But also…

Bukan … Melainkan[/td] [td]Not… But…

Jangankan… Bahkan[/td] [td]Not only… Even

Entah … Atau[/td] [td]Whether… Or…

Here are examples that use each conjunction from the table above:

  • Baik… Maupun = Both… and…
    Baik Chika maupun Chiki tidak mau mengaku siapa yang memecahkan vas ibu.
    Both Chika and Chiki do not want to admit who broke mother’s vase.
  • Tidak hanya … namun juga … = Not only … but also …
    Tidak hanya kerbau namun juga sapi dapat membantu petani untuk membajak sawah.
    Not only water buffaloes but also cows may help farmer to plow the rice fields.
  • Bukan … Melainkan = Not … But …
    Bukan karena membaca yang merusak matamu, melainkan karena kamu terlalu banyak bermain Dota.
    Not reading that harm your eyes, but because you play Dota too much.
  • Jangankan … Bahkan = Not only … Even
    Sayangku, jangankan danau, bahkan samudera pun akan kuselami untukmu.
    My love, not only the lake, even the ocean I will dive in for you.
  • Entah … atau = Whether … or
    Saya tidak tahu, entah cokelat atau vanilla yang gadis itu inginkan untuk kue ulang tahunnya.
    I don’t know, whether chocolate or vanilla that the girl wants for her birthday cake.

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2. Subordinate Conjunctions

This type of conjunctions connect between two clauses which does not have the same degree in syntax.

Kata Konjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

… Sebelum… [/td] [td]… Before …

Jika … Maka … [/td] [td]If … So …

… Agar …[/td] [td]… So …

Meskipun … [/td] [td]No matter …

Bagaimanapun … [/td][td] No matter …

Here are examples that use each conjunction from the table above:

  • … Sebelum … = … Before …
    Ibu mengajari kami untuk selalu sarapan sebelum berangkat ke sekolah.
    Mother teaches us to always have breakfast before go to school.
  • Jika … Maka … = If … Then …
    Jika kami memiliki uang lebih maka kami akan mengundang selebritis ke acara sekolah kami.
    If we have more money then we will invite a celebrity to our school event.
  • … Agar … = … So…
    Frank harus memanjat pohon mangga itu agar dapat melihat pemandangan kota Bandung.
    Frank has to climb that mango tree so he can gaze for Bandung city’s scenery.
  • Meskipun … = No matter
    Kami terpaksa mengerjakan tugas ini dengan sebaik-baiknya meskipun kami sudah sangat lelah.
    We have to do this project as best as we can no matter how tired we are.
  • Bagaimanapun … = No matter
    Para pramuka cilik itu harus menjual semua kue coklat itu bagaimanapun caranya.
    Those little scouts have to sell all of the chocolate cake  no matter how.

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3. Coordinate Conjunctions

These conjunctions can be used only connect simple clauses words

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

… Dan…[/td] [td]… And …

… Tetapi …[/td] [td]… But …

… Atau …[/td] [td]… Or …

Here are the examples for those Indonesian Conjunctions in the table above:

  • Saya takut terhadap cacing dan kodok.
    I am afraid of worms and frogs.
  • Saya harus bekerja tetapi saya malas.
    I have to work but I am lazy.
  • Saya tidak memiliki waktu atau uang.
    I don’t have time or money.

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Indonesian Conjunctions that Connect Sentences

Unlike Indonesian Conjunctions that connect clauses, there are seven types of Indonesian conjunctions that connect sentences.

1. Conjunctions which Imply Consequences

Here are the list of Indonesian Adjectives:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Dengan demikian …[/td] [td]By that …

Akibatnya …[/td] [td]As the result …

Oleh karenanya …[/td] [td]Because of that …

Konsenkuensinya …[/td] [td]For the consequence …

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Conjunctions examples in sentences:

  • Dengan demikian … = By that …
    Nicholas berhasil menjuarai kontes debat bahasa Inggris. Dengan demikian Nicholas menjadi siswa teladan.
    Nicholas succeded to become a champion in an English debate contest. By that, Nicholas is a model student.
  • Akibatnya … = As the result…
    Saya lupa belajar matematika semalam. Akibatnya saya gagal dalam ujian matematika hari ini.
    I forgot to study mathematics last night. As the result I failed in today’s mathematic test.
  • Oleh karenanya … = Because of that …
    Edward menyatakan cinta kepada Gissele. Oleh karenanya mereka akan berkencan besok.
    Edward state his feeling to Gissele. Because of that they will have a date tomorrow,
  • Konsenkuensinya … = For the consequence…
    Rika melakukan kecurangan dalam ujian Bahasa Indonesianya. Konsenkuensinya ia mendapatkan E untuk mata kuliah tersebut.
    Rika cheated in her Indonesian language test. For the consequence she gets an E for the lecture.

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2. Conjunctions which Imply Willingness

If you would like to help someone, you can use these Indonesian Conjunctions:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Biarpun begitu … [/td] [td]Despite of that …

Walaupun begitu … [/td] [td]Despite of that …

Meskipun demikian …[/td] [td]Despite of that…

Here are the list of Indonesian Adjectives:

  • Biarpun begitu … = Despite of that …
    Saya tidak menyukai pelajaran olahraga. Meskipun begitu, saya masih mengikuti pelajaran itu karena orang yang saya suka ada disana.
    I don’t like Physical Education class. Despite of that, I still join the class because my crush is there.
  • Walaupun begitu … = Despite of that …
    Pasien tersebut menolak untuk meminum obatnya. Walaupun begitu, sebagai perawat, saya tetap harus memaksanya untuk meminum obat itu.
    The patient refuses to drink his medicine. Despite of that, as a nurse, I am obliged to force him to drink it.
  • Meskipun demikian … = Despite of that …
    Semua sulap yang dilakukan pesulap itu palsu. Meskipun demikian, kami masih menikmatinya.
    All of the magic done by the magician arefake. Despite of that, we still enjoy it.

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3. Conjunctions that Contrast with the Previous Statement

Here are the list of Indonesian Adjectives:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Sebaliknya … [/td] [td]On the Contrary …

Berbeda dengan … [/td] [td]Different with …

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Conjunctions examples in sentences:

  • Sebaliknya … = On the Contrary …
    Orang-orang mengatakan bahwa Gubernur Jakarta telah melakukan korupsi. Sebaliknya, ia telah menangkap banyak koruptor.
    People are saying that the Jakarta’s Governor has done a corruption. On the contrary, he had arrested many corruptors.
  • Berbeda dengan … = Different with …
    Kakak Rachel sangat menyukai sayur-sayuran. Berbeda dengan Rachel yang sangat membenci sayur-sayuran.
    Rachel’s Brother really likes vegetables. Different with Rachel who dislikes them.

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4. Conjunctions that Continue the Previous Statement

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Conjunctions examples in sentences:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Kemudian…[/td] [td]Then …

Setelah itu …[/td] [td]After that …

Selanjutnya …[/td] [td]Next …

Here are the list of Indonesian Adjectives:

  • Kemudian … = Then …
    Hari ini Rika akan pergi ke kelas Sosiologi. Kemudian, ia akan pergi ke perpustakaan.
    Today, Rika will go to the Sociology clas.. Then, she will go to the library.
  • Setelah itu … = After that …
    Laika baru saja pulang dari kebun binatang. Setelah itu ia berencana untuk segera pulang ke rumah.
    Laika just come back from the zoo. After that she planned to go home straightforward.
  • Selanjutnya … = Next…
    Hari ini aku yang akan membersihkan toilet. Selanjutnya kamu, ya?
    Today I will clean the toilet. Next is you, okay?

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5. Conjunctions that States Something Important

Here are the explanation of Indonesian Conjunctions examples in sentences:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Sesungguhnya …[/td] [td]The truth is…

Sebenarnya …[/td] [td]The truth is…

Here are the list of Indonesian Adjectives:

  • Sesungguhnya … = The truth is …
    Bukan kucing itu yang memecahkan piring. Sesungguhnya akulah yang memecahkan piring.
    Not the cat which broke the plate. The truth it is I who broke it.
  • Sebenarnya … = The truth is …
    Kata mereka Rian dipanggil kepala sekolah karena ia dituduh merusak pagar sekolah. Sebenarnya aku melihat seseorang dari sekolah lainlah yang telah merusaknya.
    They said Rian is being called by the head master as he is suspected to wreck the school gate. The truth is I saw someone from the other school who has wrecked it.

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6. Conjunctions that Restate Previous Statement

Maybe you said something very important then you want to add another statements to strengthen the previous statement:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Bahkan …[/td] [td]Even …

Tidak hanya itu …[/td] [td]Not only that …

Malahan …[/td] [td]But also …

Here are the examples of Indonesian Adjectives:

  • Bahkan … = Even …
    Lestari sudah terlalu gemuk. Bahkan angka BMInya menunjukkan bahwa dia menderita obesitas.
    Lestari is too fat. Even her BMI number shows that she suffers obesity.
  • Tidak hanya itu … = Not only that …
    Andrea selalu malas. Tidak hanya itu dia juga rakus.
    Andrea is always lazy. Not only that he also gluttonous.

7. Conjunctions that Contrast with the Previous Statement

Perhaps you are saying something that is too good to be true. Yet you want to say something in contrary too. Here are Indonesian Conjunctions that fit them:

Kata Kongjungsi[/th] [th]Conjunction Words

Sayangnya …[/td] [td]Sadly …

Akan tetapi …[/td] [td]Unfortunately…

Namun …[/td] [td]However …

Kecuali …[/td] [td]Except

Here are the examples of Indonesian Adjectives:

  • Sayangnya … = Sadly …
    Wanita itu cantik. Sayangnya dia sombong.
    The woman is pretty. Sadly she is arrogant.
  • Akan tetapi … = Unfortunately …
    Mereka adalah sekumpulan anak orang kaya. Akan tetapi mereka sangat bodoh.
    They are the sons of rich people. Unfortunately they are very stupid.
  • Namun … = However …
    Kami sudah mengerjakan tugas ini dengan baik. Namun guru kami memberi kami nilai D.
    We have done this task carefully. However our teacher gave us a D.
  • Kecuali … = Except …
    Sedihnya kamu bisa tidak naik kelas. Kecuali  kamu menyogok kepala sekolah.
    Sadly you cannot pass this year. Except you bribe the headmaster.

Here are more Conjunction in Indonesian and how to learn it better:

So those are Indonesian Conjunctions! Not too hard, right? They are even simpler than English version. Thank you so much for joining us in Mastering Bahasa. Stay tune with us to study Bahasa Indonesia quickly and easily in your phone! Terima kasih! Sampai Jumpa!

Categories: Conjunctions