A-Z Most Used Indonesian Daily Words You Should Remember

Indonesia is famous by its diversity and its variant language to be spoken in different regions. The different language in different region make Indonesia decide to choose one language which is spoken all around the country. The language is called Indonesian or Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language).

The language must have lots of variant, one of them is the daily words. Therefore, what kind of Indonesian daily words which are often spoken among Indonesian people?


Here are some examples of most used Indonesian Daily Words and their types of the word:

Indonesian Meaning in (english) Types
Gue, Saya, Aku I Pronoun
Elu, Kamu, Anda, Kalian You Pronoun
Dia She, He Pronoun
Bapak Father, Daddy, Sir, Mr. Subject
Ibu Mother, Mommy, Madam, Mrs. Subject
Itu It, That Pronoun (Things)
Ini This Pronoun (Things)
Mereka They Pronoun
Kami, Kita We, Us Pronoun
Tidur Sleep Verb
Makan Eat Verb
Minum Drink Verb
Datang Come Verb
Pergi Go Verb
Cantik Beautiful Adjective
Tampan Handsome Adjective
Musik Music Noun
Kopi Coffee Noun
Teh Tea Noun
Sarapan Breakfast Noun






Belanja > berbelanja Shop Adjective
Kerja > Bekerja






Dengar > Mendengar Listen Verb
Lihat > Melihat Look/See Verb
Kantor Office Noun
Sekolah School Noun
Buka > Membuka Open Verb
Tutup > Menutup Close Verb
Main > Bermain






Solat Pray Verb
Duduk Sit Verb
Berdiri Stand up Verb
Tulis > Menulis Write (down) Verb
Baca > Membaca Read Verb
Masak > Memasak Cook Verb
Jual > Menjual Sell Verb
Beli > Membeli Buy Verb
Tunggu > Menunggu Wait Verb
Lama Long Adverb of Time
Sebentar For a while/for a moment Adverb of Time
Air Water Noun
Api Fire Noun
Buku Book Noun
Komputer Computer Noun
Pakai > Memakai Wear Verb
Mukena Mukena Noun
Sarung Sarong Noun
Sajadah Prayer rug Noun
Motor Motorcycle Noun
Kendaraan Vehicle Noun
Mobil Car Noun
dan and Conjunction
lalu then Conjunction
atau or Conjunction
Tidak No Adjective/Adverb
Iya Yes Adverb/Adjective
yang which, that, who Conjunction
Apa What Question word
Bagaimana How Question word
Siapa Who Question word
Kapan When Question word
Di mana Where Question word

Those words can be used from its basic words. However, some words have to speak with the affixes and suffixes. The changing of the words are also displayed on the table above.

Some of the words can also be changed, for example from verbs into nouns, or vice versa. The changes are also applied for other types of the words, such as, adjective into adverb.

Example of Usage:

  1. Siapa nama Anda? = Who is you name?
  2. Saya membaca buku = I read a book
  3. Ada mobil dan motor = There are car and motorcycle
  4. Dia memakai mukena = She wears Mukena
  5. Mereka meminum Air = They drink the water
  6. Kami melihat Ibu = We look at our Mommy
  7. Ayah membeli Kopi = Dad buys Coffee
  8. Dia sedang solat = He is praying
  9. A: Apa kamu Siska? = Are you Siska?

         B: Ya = Yes

  1. Kamu sedang duduk = You are sitting

Those are the examples of most spoken Indonesian daily words. Have you found some of other words to be spoken?


Categories: Vocabulary