Wisest Quotes about Indonesian Nature – Deep Meaning

Nature is arguably a thing that has become one with human life in general. On the other hand, nature and human life are interrelated and interdependent, among others. We humans definitely need nature to survive. All the things that we make, more or less come from the natural source of use.

Nature that must be maintained well and continuously so that it can maintain its ecosystem in a balanced manner, it must require participation from human intervention. But do you know that actually what happened in accordance with the reality is not like that? The nature always shows his anger.

Whether it’s because of human behavior that has no longer responsible for natural sustainability or because nature is already fed up with human actions that are increasingly here not having a sense of humanity. Both are the same, both are bad. So there is no reason for nature to show its anger.

We as humans should understand the importance of natural use properly and correctly. We, humans, must maintain a symbiotic relationship of mutualism so that we can keep nature intact as before and maintain the existing ecosystem, as a form of sustainable nature.

Before you get down to the quotes, here are some articles recommended for you.

Do not let the actions of people who are evil and not responsible for the use of nature, causing nature to lose its identity to maintain a balance of ecosystems. Even so, it does not mean that all humans have the same nature not to care about the environment. In fact, those humans also actively participate in combating people who use natural use inhumanly and call for the importance of the preservation of the environment as part of our sustainable life.

Based on this, we would like to present a few quotation words about the importance of preserving the existing nature as a form of action from us protecting the environment. Let’s look at the quotes from various people from all over the world below:

  • “Kebudayaan yang benar dilahirkan di alam, sederhana, rendah hati, dan murni” – (“True culture is born in nature, simple, humble, and pure”) – Masanobu Fukuoka
  • “Jangan cari aku; Jika aku pergi ke hutan; Dan lama tak kembali; Aku tak tersesat; Tapi menemukan diri” – (“Don’t look for me; If I go to the forest; And long time no return; I don’t get lost; But finding myself) -Sam Haidy
  • “Alam ini ada sejak manusia belum bertebaran dibumi, namun manusia memperlakukan alam seolah merekalah yg membuatnya.” – (“This nature has existed since humans have not been scattered on earth, but humans treat nature as if they were the one who made it.”) – Silviamnque
  • “Di gunung, seperti juga di pantai, kurasa manusia tidak bisa tidak bicara dengan dirinya sendiri. Alam tidak meminta manusia melakukan apa pun seperti iklan TV, atau membanjirimu dengan informasi tentang hidup orang lain yang sebagian besar tidak perlu kita tahu. Gunung menyambutmu sebagai bagian dari semesta dan membuat kita menengok pada jalan-jalan yang sudah atau belum kita tempuh.” – (“On the mountain, like on the beach, I don’t think humans can’t help talking to themselves. Nature doesn’t ask people to do anything like TV commercials, or flood you with information about other people’s lives, which most of us don’t need to know. Mount welcomes you as part of the universe and makes us look at the roads that we have or have not yet traveled.”) – Lucia Priandarini
  • “Di alam tidak ada yang sempurna dan semuanya sempurna. Pepohonan bisa disatukan, ditekuk dengan cara yang aneh, dan warnanya masih indah” – (“In nature nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be put together, bent in a strange way, and the colors are still beautiful.”) – Alice Walker
  • “Lihatlah jauh ke alam, lalu kamu akan memahami segalanya lebih baik.” – (“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”) – Albert Einstein
  • “Setiap berjalan bersama alam, seseorang akan menerima lebih banyak daripada apa yang ia cari.” – (“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”) – John Muir
  • “Pelajarilah alam, cintailah alam, beradalah dekat dengan alam. Ia tidak akan pernah mengecewakanmu.” – (“Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.”) – Frank Lloyd Wright
  • “Jauh di dalam akarnya, semua bunga menyimpan cahayanya.” – (“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.”) – Theodore Roethke
  • “Matahari terbenam masih menjadi warna favoritku, dan pelangi adalah yang kedua.” – (“Sunset is still my favorite color, and rainbow is second.”) – Mattie Stepanek
  • “Hal terbaik yang bisa dilakukan saat hujan adalah membiarkan turunnya hujan.” – (“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.”) – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “Kegembiraan melihat dan memahami adalah anugerah yang paling indah dari alam.” – (“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature’s most beautiful gift.”) – Albert Einstein
  • “Jalan tergamblang menuju ke alam semesta adalah melalui hutan belantara.” – (“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”) – John Muir
  • “Biarkan hujan menciummu. Biarkan hujan turun di kepalamu dengan tetes cairan perak. Biarkan hujan menyanyikan lagu pengantar tidur.” – (“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.”) – Langston Hughes
  • “Kupu-kupu bukan menghitung bulan tapi momen, dan memiliki cukup waktu.” – (“The butterfly counts not months but moment, and has time enough.”) – Rabindranath Tagore

What about all the quote words? They did not directly convey that they opposed how humans treat nature in an inappropriate manner. But implicitly, they all want to give the message that in fact, nature is more than the resources that humans are currently looking for, they are more than that, they are us.

Categories: Literature