What Is The Difference in Meaning between the Indonesian Words “Berbicara”, “Bicara and “Bertutur”?

Hello there good looking and awesome pupils, are you ready to learn about Bahasa Indonesia today? Pay attention please, as you might want to focus on our next subject about the Indonesian language that related more about terms, grammatical and also Indonesian vocabulary.

All of it seems overwhelming at first, and really annoying to learn but with patience and also focus, you can easily learn all of its and easily master the Indonesian language.

After all, Indonesian is actually fairly easy to understand and master. So, what we will learn today is about What is the difference in meaning between the Indonesian words “berbicara”, “bicara and “bertutur”?

If you try to search for the meaning between “berbicara”, “bicara”, and “bertutur”, you might find that all of its have one meaning and that is “to speak”. However, in Indonesia, these three words have slightly different meanings and use.

There are different usage, different context, and also used in fairly different situations. So, how it can be different? How we use all of these three words in the correct place? Well, we will soon study about it right away.

So, What is the difference in meaning between the Indonesian words “berbicara”, “bicara and “bertutur”? From the meaning, these three have somewhat similar meanings, but if you see in KBBI or Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian formal dictionary) These three words have differences. There is a difference in a part of speech and also the different function.

1. The meaning of “berbicara”

Berbicara” Means talking, verbs or in Indonesian “kata kerja”. To talk to, and talk with, etc. Berbicara can be used in both formal occasions and informal too, but somehow it is considered as formal words.

Example of conversation

A: “Sepertinya saya harus berbicara kepada Kevin

meaning: Looks like I need to talk to Kevin.

B: “Okay”

2. The meaning of “Bicara” (Talk)

Bicara” is the base word of “Berbicara” without any suffixes like “Ber”. This word can be used as both verbs and also a noun or “Kata kerja” in Indonesian.

Example of conversation

A: “Sudahkah kau Bicara dengan Kevin?”

meaning: Have you talk to Kevin?

B: “Sudah”

meaning: I have 

3. The meaning of “Bertutur” (Talk/speak)

Bertutur” has the same meaning as “Berbicara” so it is synonymous with these words. The meaning is the same, to talk to, talk with and etc. However, the function of this word is somehow different.

This word is used for situations like when a teacher said their lessons or your father give you words of wisdom, So this word is rarely used in daily conversations.


“Ayah bertutur kepada anaknya”

meaning: “A father speaks to his son”.

The difference between these words is somehow quite thin as the difference is only in the part of speech and also the different situations and context used for these words.

This is one of the difficulties you might find when learning Indonesian that you will need to understand the context of the situation to be used in certain words, as there are many different contexts compared to the English language.

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That’s it on the answer of What is the difference in meaning between the Indonesian words “berbicara”, “bicara and “bertutur”? Are you satisfied with the answer?

Categories: Vocabulary