4 Clears Examples of Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia

Nowadays, people not only can converse with other people directly. Because of latest technologies, we can also speak with people far away from us. We do a lot of phone conversation.

Examples of Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia

Below are several examples of phone conversation in Bahasa Indonesia. We hope that the information below will be helpful for you.

1. Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia in the Beginning of the Call

In the beginning of a telephone conversation, we will usually say greetings, introduce ourselves, and tell the purpose of our call. Learn how to say greetings in Indonesian. These are phrases that you can say to greet people at the very beginning of the phone conversation:

  • Halo (hello)
  • Selamat pagi (good morning)
  • Selamat siang, selamat sore (good afternoon)
  • Selamat malam (good night/good evening)
  • Halo, dengan Anna disini (Hello, this is Anna)
  • Terima kasih telah menghubungi Bank ABCD. Ada yang bisa kami bantu? (Thank you for calling ABCD Bank. How can I help you?)

These are phrases that you can say to introduce yourselves by phone conversation:

  • Halo, saya John (Hello, this is John)
  • Halo, saya adiknya John (Hello, I am John’s brother)
  • Halo, saya temannya John (Hello, I am John’s friend)

These are phrases that you can say to tell the purpose or the phone call:

  • Bisa bicara dengan Ali? (May I speak with Ali?)
  • Boleh tahu saya sedang berbicara dengan siapa? (May I ask who’s calling?)
  • Saya menelfon ingin bertanya tentang program terbaru Bank ABCD (I’m calling to ask about the latest program of ABCD Bank)
  • Saya ingin berbicara dengan Ali (I want to speak with Ali)

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2. Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia to Leave or to Take Messages

When calling other person, the call can be picked up by other person. When this happen, you will usually ask him or her to take you messages and convey it. Below are several phrases that you can use:

  • Bisakah saya bicara dengan John? (Can you pass the phone to John?)
  • Maaf, John sedang tidak ada di rumah (Sorry, John is currently not at home)
  • Maaf, John sedang tidak bisa ditelfon / sedang tidak ada (Sorry, John is currently unavailable)
  • Apakah Anda ingin meninggalkan pesan (Would you like to leave a message?)
  • Tidak. Saya akan menelfon lagi nanti (No. I will call back a little later)
  • Ya, tolong ya. (Yes, please)
  • Tolong beri tahu John untuk menelfon saya (Please tell John to call me back)
  • Tolong ingatkan John mengenai jadwal rapat besok (Please remind John about the meeting tomorrow)

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3. Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia in the End of the Call

At the end of telephone conversation, you will usually say phrases to tell or to give messages to other person that you want to end the call. You will also say the final phrases before ending the call. Below are several phrases that you can use in the end of the Indonesian telephone conversations:

  • Senang berbicara dengan Anda (It was nice talking to you)
  • Terima kasih telah menghubungi kami (Thank you for calling us)
  • Saya harus pergi (I should get going)
  • Saya akan menghubungi Anda beberapa hari lagi (I will get in touch in a couple of days)
  • Saya akan menghubungi Anda beberapa saat lagi (I will call you a little later)
  • Dadah / Dah (Bye). This word is usually used in an informal phone conversation.
  • Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan (Have a nice day)

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4. Full Example of Telephone Conversation in Bahasa Indonesia

Below is an example of full telephone conversation in Bahasa Indonesia between John and Ali.

John : Halo, ini John. Boleh saya tahu siapa yang menelfon? (Hello, this is John. May I ask who is calling?)

Ali : Halo, ini Ali. Bisakah saya bicara dengan Anna? (Hello, this is Ali. Can I speak with Anna?)

John : Maaf, Anna sedang tidak di rumah. Apakah ada yang ingin disampaikan? (I’m sorry, Anna is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?)

Ali : Ya. Tolong beri tahu Anna untuk menelfon saya lagi nanti (Yes, please. Could you tell her to call me back later?)

John : Ya, saya akan beri tahu Anna. (Yes, I will tell her later)

Ali : Terima kasih. Saya harus pergi, senang berbicara dengan Anda. (Thank you. I should get going now, it was nice talking to you).

John : Sama-sama (You are welcome).

Categories: Conversation