How to Carry Money in Bali? Indonesian Rupiah – Currency

Maybe the question, ‘how to carry money in Bali’ has been asked many times before. This question also has been answered multiple times with foreigners that have experienced a vacation to Bali.

Regarding to this question, there are many opinions or answers that vary depending to the needs of the person. Most of them prefer to bring cash every time they go exploring Bali. But still, some others are feeling comfortable using credit or debit card to do the transactions.

Even though the Bali is mainly safe for foreign travelers, there are still risks to have your belongings got stolen. So, we are going to discuss about how you should carry your money when travelling to Bali.

Use the Safe Deposit Box at the Hotel

If you are going to carry a huge amount of money to Bali, be sure to ask the hotel to have their service to save your money. Most of the hotels, especially the big and famous ones, are having the safe deposit box service to protect your belongings.

Not only money, you can also put your important things, such as, passport, travel and insurance documents in the safe. While all your belongings are being kept safely by the hotel you are checking in, you can always take the money you need every time you are going to go out. It is pretty convenient, right?

Do Not Carry All Your Money at Once

Being in a foreign place with no relatives is very risky if you carry all your money by yourself. Even though Bali is not a notorious place for having criminal activities, there is still a chance that you would lose your money. So, carrying your money at once is a very bad idea.

When you are going out to travel around Bali, be sure to bring money that is going to be spent in two days or less. If you have a credit card or Visa, be sure to bring it in case an emergency situation happens and you need to use extra money.

Having a sling bag to carry your money is not really a bad idea. Beside it being easy to carry, it could carry all your important belongings and money that you didn’t leave at the hotel safe. So, when walking around Bali, just bring the things you really need and sufficient amount of money in your sling bag.

Always Bring Indonesian Rupiah

As we have explained in the ‘What Currency Should I Take to Bali?, the only acceptable currency in Bali is Indonesian Rupiah. Only a few services or restaurant still accepting currencies other than Indonesian Rupiah, but they will charge more compared to the current exchange rate.

The way foreign traveler bringing their money to Bali is different, depending on their convenient needs and behavior. The tips we have discussed above are the most useful and common way for travelers to carry and protect their money and belongings in Bali. So, if you are going to have a trip to Bali, be sure to follow the tips above to have a safe and sound trip in Bali. See ya.

See also: How to Make Good Phone Call in Indonesia How to Say Police in Indonesia

Categories: Tips