How to Say “F Off” in Indonesian – Phrase – Slang Words

As in learning any language, you have to know every expression from that language. This includes every positive or negative expressions based on the possible situation regardless of you will need it or not.

If you are learning Bahasa Indonesia, you might want to learn about how to use some expressions in Bahasa Indonesia that are equivalent to the phrase “fuck off”. These expressions might be useful when you are going to go to Indonesia.

The phrase “fuck off” is usually used when a person is being bothered or offended by someone. In Bahasa Indonesia, there are some expressions that equivalents to the phrase how to say “fuck off” in Indonesian language.

In the following sections, we will provide you with the Bahasa Indonesia expressions that are equivalent to “fuck off”, as well as the example and explanation.

Equal Indonesian Expressions of “Fuck Off”

In English, the phrase “fuck off” is used to keep away someone who is disturbing to the speaker. When translated into Bahasa Indonesia, the phrase “fuck off” will be “pergilah”, which means go away. The word pergilah has the same meaning as “fuck off” since both terms mean to make someone away from the speaker.

There are some more expressions in Bahasa Indonesia that have similar connotation as the example above. For instance, Indonesian also uses the word menjauhlah as the expression equal to the English phrase “fuck off”.

Other Meaning of “Fuck Off”

While in most occasions “fuck off” means to go away or pergilah in Bahasa Indonesia, there are some examples that the phrase “fuck off” is used in another way.

The first way is using the phrase “fuck off” as an interjection that expresses disbelief or disagreement. For instance in the sentence, “Fuck off, you are joking, right?”. In this sentence, the phrase “fuck off” functions as a statement that emphasizes the speaker disbelief. In Bahasa Indonesia, the equivalent expression of this is the phrase masa sih, which means about the same.

The second way is used as an expression of being annoyed. This expression is best explained with the sentence, “it really fucks me off when there is traffic jam”. In this expression, the phrase “fucks me off” refers to the feeling of getting annoyed or irritated by something. The equivalents expression in Bahasa Indonesia might be mengganggu, menyebalkan, and mengesalkan.

The last way in using the phrase “fuck off” is as a vulgar expression that means to die. For instance, in the sentence, “He fucked off”. In that sentence, the meaning of the phrase “fucked off” is someone being dead in a very disrespectful way. The equivalent of this expression in Bahasa Indonesia is mampus, tewas, or mati.

Summary of Today’s Lesson

While in most occasions, the phrase “fuck off” can be translated as pergilah or menjauhlah in Bahasa Indonesia, there are some other way that this phrase could mean something else. One example is using “fuck off” as an interjection that expresses disbelief. In this expression, the equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia is masa sih.

The second example is using the phrase “fuck off” that means to annoy or irritate. The equivalents of this phrase in Bahasa Indonesia are mengganggu, menyebalkan, and mengesalkan. The last way is using “fuck off” as a vulgar expression that means to die. The equivalent expressions in Bahasa Indonesia are mampus, tewas, or mati.

Categories: Sentences