70 Indonesian Words Starting with V – Meaning – Example

Aloha!! We are glad to see you still reading this article. It means you are always full of spirit to learn Bahasa Indonesia.

Based on the Malay trade dialect, Bahasa Indonesia is the national language of the Republic of Indonsia. It unites over 254 million people of Indonesia.

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The best time to start learning Bahasa Indonesia is a long time before you move to Indonesia, however it can be difficukt to find language materials in your country. You can obtain CDs and books several months before you move. So that, you will be familiar with the sound or vowel and the vocabulary. Moreover, you will be used to use its structural grammar. Another option is joining online course. Especially many free online course are available, such as this website.

Bahasa Indonesia is not as difficult to learn as many other foreign languages; for example, verbs aren’t conjugated as in English and French. Bahasa Indonesia also uses the same alphabet as English, making it much easier to learn when compared to other Asian languages where tonal differences and pictograph written languages are common.

By the way, there are twenty six Latin characters are used to represent the modern Indonesian alphabet. Obviously, these are the same letters used in the English alphabet; however, a noticeable difference between the two languages is how each letter is pronounced when reciting the alphabet.

Indonesian Words Starting with V

In this time, we will talk about the V letter which is the 22nd leter in Latin Alphabet. In English this letter is pronounced “Vee”, but in Indonesia its vowel is ” Vae”. For your information, Indonesian words with V are mostly adapted from Western words.

Okay then, let’s talk about the Indonesian words that begining with V in order to kwep gaining our Indonesian vocabulary. Check them out

  1. Vagina (Va-ghi-na) = Vagina
  2. Vakansi (Va-kub-see) = Vacancy
  3. Vaksin (Vak-sin) = Vaccine
  4. Vaksinasi (Vak-sin-ua-see) = Vaccination
  5. Vakum (Va-koom) = Vacuum
  6. Valensi (Va-lens-e) = Valence
  7. Validasi (Val-e-thus-e) = Validation
  8. Valuta (Va-loot-ua) = Currency
  9. Vampir (Vam-peer) = Vampire
  10. Vanilli (Va-knee-lee) = Vanilla
  11. Varia (Va-ree-ua) = Miscellany
  12. Varises (Va-ree-saes) = Varicose
  13. Variabel (Va-ree-ua-bell) = Variable
  14. Varieta (Va-ree-ae-task) = Variety/ Kind of
  15. Vas (Vuas) = Vace  
  16. Vasektomi (Va-saek-tom-e) = Vasectomy
  17. Vaselin (Vuas-aelin) = Vaseline
  18. Vatikan (Vat-e-kun) = Vatican
  19. Vegetarian (Ve-khae-tuar-e-uan) = Vegetarian
  20. Vektor (Vaek-tor) = Vector
  21. Velodrom (Vael-od-rom) = Velodrome
  22. Vena (Vae-nua) = Vein
  23. Vendeta (Vaen-the-tua) = Vendetta
  24. Ventilasi (Vaen-til-uasi) = Ventillation
  25. Ventilator (Vaen-til-uat-or) = Ventillator
  26. Ventrikel (Vaen-tree-kael) = Ventricle
  27. Ventura (Vaen-two-rua) = Venture
  28. Verba (Vaer-bua) = Verb
  29. Verifikasi (Vaer-e-fee-kuasi) = Verification 
  30. Versi (Vaer-see) = Version
  31. Versus (Vaer-soo-s) = Versus
  32. Vertfikasi (Vaer-tee-fick-ua-see) = Vertification
  33. Vertikal (Vaer-tick-ual) = Vertical
  34. Vet (Vaet) = Grease/ Veterinarian
  35. Veteran (Vae-taer-uan) = Veteran
  36. Veto (Vaet-o) = Veto
  37. Via (Fee-ua) = Via
  38. Viabel (Fee-ua-bell) = Viable/ Tenable
  39. Video (Fee-the-o) = Video
  40. Vikaris (Fee-car-is) = Vicar
  41. Villa (Fee-llua) = Villa
  42. Violet (Fee-oul-aet) = Violet
  43. Viral (Vir-ual) = Viral
  44. Virtual (Vir-two-ual) = Virtual
  45. Virulen (Vir-oul-an) = Virulent
  46. Virulensi (Vir-ou-lens-e) = Virulence
  47. Virus (Vir-ous) = Virus
  48. Visa (Fee-sua) = Visum/ Vice/ Visa
  49. Visi (Fee-see) = Vision
  50. Vista (Fee-is-tua) = Vista
  51. Visual (Fee-soo-ual) = Visual
  52. Vital (Fee-tual) = Vital
  53. Vitamin (Fee-tuam-in) = Vitamine
  54. Vokal (Vok-ual) = Vocal/ Vowel
  55. Vokatip (Vok-uat-eip) = Vocative
  56. Volatil (Vol-uat-eel) = Volatile
  57. Voli (Vo-lee) = Volley
  58. Voli pantai (Vo-lee  puan-taei) = Beach volley
  59. Voltase (Vol-tua-sae) = Voltage
  60. Volum (Vo-loom) = Vol
  61. Volume (Vo-loom-ae) = Volume
  62. Voucher (Vo-cha-aer) = Voucher
  63. Volt (Vo-olt) = Volt
  64. Vulgar (Ful-guar) = Brawdy
  65. Vulgarisme (Ful-guar-is-mae) = Vulgarism
  66. Vulkanik (Ful-kuan-ick) = Volcanic
  67. Vulkanis (Ful-kuan-is) = Volcanic
  68. Vulkanisasi (Ful-kuan-is) = Vulcanization
  69. Vulkanologi (Ful-kuan-olo-gie) = Study of volcanic activity

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After all, the online class about Indonesian words starting with V is over. See you in next chapter!!

Categories: Vocabulary