What Are The Reasons Non-Indonesians Have A Hard Time Pronouncing Indonesian Words?

In this globalization era, learning new language is one of the important things. Learning the new language is not only for having the new language for the mind, but also for speaking it at the place where the language is spoken. It must be difficult for the first learner to learn the new language. The difficulty of learning new language is valid to all new language in the world, especially Indonesian language.

Learning Indonesian language for the foreigners or non-Indonesians gives hard time of not only memorizing the words but also pronouncing them. Getting the new words from the new language is one of the difficulties of learning Indonesian language, because you will forget the words if you don’t speak them often.

Having a hard time pronouncing Indonesian words is also the difficulties for non-Indonesians for learning Indonesian language. Therefore, what are the reasons non-Indonesians have a hard time pronouncing Indonesian words?

The Reasons Why Non-Indonesians Have a Hard Time Pronouncing Indonesian Words

According to foreigners or non-Indonesians confession and information, here are the reasons:

  1. Fast-Speaking of Indonesian People

As the first learner, the non-Indonesian must speak slowly of Indonesian language or words. Both for the words or the sentences, the learners or the speakers have hard time for pronouncing or listening to the words.

Most of Indonesian speak fast of the words and the sentences. The learner must listen carefully, spell, and pronounce them correctly. It is impossible for non-Indonesian learner to pronounce the words fast.

Let’s learn about:

  1. Non-Indonesian Tend to Learn or Speak Formal Language

It is also the difficulties to pronounce and understanding to words because Indonesian words can have three different meanings for one word. For example I, can be meant as Saya (formal), Aku (Semi-formal), Gue (Informal/Slang).

The non-Indonesian speaker or learner must learn those three words and pronounce them as well. Different people they meet, different words they have to speak.

The non-Indonesian speaker and learner tend to introduce and learn the formal language. The first learner and the speaker have different homeworks. First, they have to memorize those different words, second, they have to pronounce them too.

Let’s learn about:

  1. Some Alphabets or Letters are Different from What The Non-Indonesian Speakers Got or Discovered

The alphabets which is combined to be a word are also important. We can take the example for English people who want to learn Indonesian language and words.

The word tidak (tId^k), which has the meaning as “No” in English, can be read (taid^k) because ‘I’ letter can be read as ‘I’ or ‘ai’. It also happens to the non-Indonesian speakers who come from other countries.

The same pronunciation as the Indonesian words sound make the Indonesian language learner from non-Indonesian speaker get difficulties. Besides the alphabets they have are different in pronouncing the words, the non-Indonesian speaker will get different sound of Indonesian word they try to pronounce.

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The famous example is from the word Jakarta (dʒ^k^rt^), which is often pronounced as Jakarta (dʒәkᵅɹtә) by non-Indonesian learners.

Those are the information and the reasons of non-Indonesians have a hard time pronouncing Indonesian words. Those speakers or learners must have their own different reasons of learning Indonesian language and words. So, what are your reasons?

Categories: Learning