“Yuk!” Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia – Complete Examples

Hello, how are you today? Hope you have a great day !

This time we are going to learn new topic about Bahasa Indonesia terms that used in daily conversation. The term that we are going to learn is about expressing persuasive sentence. We are usually used this persuasive sentences unrealizingly.

As we know in every language, they has their own terms of expressing persuasive sentences or making invitation. Expression of making invitation in a sentence that used to express someone to invite doing something together.

An invitation sentence is another form of interjection sentence that has broadened and has close connection with second person. Interjection itself is a sentence that revealed the speakers heart feeling.

Yuk: let’s go or come on

It has many types such as:

  • Interjection of disgust
  • Interjection of disappointment
  • Interjection of satisfying
  • Interjection of hope
  • Interjection of invitation, etc
  • Learn more about how to say brother in Indonesian.

In English language we have several ways to express an invitation such as:

  • Would you like to…(go with me?)
  • Do you want to…(dance with me?)
  • How about…(having dinner together?)
  • Let’s go…(to the park!)
  • Can you…(come to my birthday party?)
  • Do you think…(you can come?)
  • Would you be able to come?
  • If you are free can you…(go to the theatre with me?)
  • If you dont have any other plans, would you…(go to Bali with me?)

In Bahasa Indonesia we have a certain characteristic on making expression of invitation:

  • The sentence starts with “mari”, “ayo”, “yuk”
  • Insert the word “we” on the sentence to show that the speaker try to involve the opponent on the activity that they are going to do together
  • If the invitation addressed to more than 1 person, use the word “guys”, “friends”, etc.

The example of expressing invitation/persuasive sentences in Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Mari kita pergi ke mall. (Let’s go to the mall.)
  • Mari kita doakan supaya ujian hari ini sukses. (Let’s pray for our successfull on our exam today.)
  • Mari kita bersihkan halaman sekolah bersama-sama. (Let’s clean up the school yard together.)
  • Ayo kita ke mushola. (Let’s go to the mosque.)
  • Ayo kita membaca di perpustakaan. (Let’s go to read some books in the library.)
  • Ayo kita bernyanyi bersama. (Let’s sing together.)
  • Yuk kita makan di kantin. (Let’s go to the canteen.)
  • Yuk kita latihan menari bersama. (Let’s practice dancing together.)
  • Yuk kita ke toko buku nanti sore. (Let’s go to the bookstore this evening.)

Thats the example of creating invitation/persuasive sentences in Bahasa Indonesia. From the text above we could imply that in Bahasa Indonesia, we could used the words “ayo”, “mari”, “yuk” to invite the opponent doing an activity together.

Yuk in Bahasa Indonesia actually another form of the word “ayo”. Yuk, ayo, and mari has the same meaning to persuade people. When it is translated into English it become one meaning that is Lets. h

The word “yuk” when its used in formal or informal situation there will be no differences. But the word “yuk” is more likely used in informal situation rather than in formal situation.

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Happy learning!

Categories: Vocabulary