Learn English and Indonesian Conversation at the Restaurants

As tourists, what we deem as important is including culinary needs. We primarily need food, but moreover, there are a lot of people who travel only for food! Indonesia is the most suitable place for you to do culinary tourism. We have different traditional food in each regions with different unique tastes that you will never find anywhere else. Western Indonesia usually like spicy tastes with various spicy seasoning, such as Padang foods, Western Java foods, and more. That’s why chili is very popular here.

People are anxious if the price of chili increases, because it’s most of Indonesian people’s daily and even primary food. But if you move to eastern Indonesia, the food changes into more sweet tastes such as Yogyakarta foods, Central and Eastern Java foods. Not only that our foods are uniquely delicious, our foods are also cheap!

Learn English and Indonesian Conversation at the Restaurants

But before you visit Indonesia, let’s learn the daily vocabularies that you might meet when you go to our restaurants.

  • Restaurants = Restoran/Rumah makan/Warung makan
  • Breakfast = Sarapan
  • Lunch       = makan siang
  • Dinner     = makan malam
  • Food         = makanan/hidangan
  • Eat            = makan
  • Beverage = minuman
  • Drink        = minum
  • Buy           = beli
  • Order       = pesan
  • Pay            = bayar
  • Price         = harga
  • Money    = uang
  • Change    = kembalian
  • Cashback = uang kembali
  • Bill             = tagihan
  • Takeaway= bungkus
  • Booking   = menyewa
  • Party        = acara
  • Menu       = menu
  • Special     = special
  • Serving    = porsi
  • Cutlery    = alat makan
  • Plate         = piring
  • Spoon      = sendok
  • Fork          = garpu
  • Cup           = cangkir
  • Glass        = gelas
  • Knife        = pisau
  • Tissue      = tisu
  • Straw       = sedotan
  • Candle     = lilin
  • Jam           = selai
  • Butter      = mentega
  • Salt            = garam
  • Sugar        = gula
  • Hot            = panas
  • Warm       = hangat
  • Heated    = dipanaskan
  • Cold          = dingin
  • Non-fat    = tidak berlemak
  • Snack       = makanan ringan
  • Appetizer= hidangan pemnbuka
  • Dessert    = hidangan penutup
  • Main course = menu utama
  • Side dish = menu sampingan
  • Vegan     = vegetarian
  • Bread      = roti
  • Meat       = daging
  • Chicken  = ayam
  • Fish          = ikan
  • Sea food = makanan laut
  • Vegetable = sayur
  • Halal        = halal
  • Tip            = tip
  • Hot/Spicy = pedas
  • Salty      = asin
  • Bitter     = pahit
  • Sour       = asam
  • Sweet   = manis
  • Plain      = tawar
  • Cook      = masak
  • Chef      = koki/juru masak
  • Fried      = goreng
  • Boiled   = rebus
  • Mixed   = campur
  • Savory  = gurih
  • Delicious = lezat/enak

Let’s learn more about How to Order Food in Restaurant in Indonesian Language

Examples for conversations

Asking for price

A: Hello, sir! May I know how much is this?

Halo, pak. Boleh saya tau harga ini berapa?

B:  This is ten thousand rupiah.

Ini sepuluh ribu rupiah.

A: Ok, I want to buy 2 servings.

Baik, saya ingin beli 2 porsi.

B: Ok, sir. The total is twenty thousand rupiah.

Siap, pak. Totalnya dua puluh ribu rupiah.

A : Here you are. Thank you very much.

Ini Pak. Terima kasih banyak.

B : You’re welcome. Have a good day.

Sama-sama. Semoga harimu menyenangkan.

Indeed, that’s what we need to learn English and Indonesian conversation at the restaurants.

Let’s learn more about Indonesian Phrases for Ordering Food

Asking the waiter to write down your orders

A : Hello, is there anything I can help?

Halo, ada yang bisa saya bantu?

B : Hi, we would like to order some of food from the menu.

Hai, kami ingin memesan beberapa makanan dari menu.

A : Ok, what do you like to order?

Baik, apa yang ingin dipesan?

B : We would like to order one nasi goreng padang, one serving of nasi uduk, one servings of gurame fish,  and two iced tea.

Kami ingin membeli satu nasi goreng padang, satu porsi nasi uduk, satu porsi ikan gurame, dan dua es teh.

A : Noted. I will read again your orders to make sure. One nasi goreng padang, one serving of nasi uduk, one servings of gurame fish,  and two iced tea. Is everything right?

Baik. Saya akan membacakan ulang untuk memastikan. Satu nasi goreng padang, satu porsi nasi uduk, satu porsi ikan gurame, dan dua es the. Apakah betul semua?

B : Yes. Thank you very much.

Betul. Terima kasih banyak.

A : Your welcome. Please wait the orders.

Sama-sama. Mohon ditunggu pesanannya.

Let’s learn more about Indonesian Words for Food

Asking the payment bill

A : May I get the payment bill?

Boleh saya minta tagihan pembayarannya?

B : You can directly pay at the cashier sir.

Anda dapat membayarnya langsung di kasir pak.

A : Ok. Thank you.

Baik. Terima kasih.

B : Your welcome. Please come back again later.

Sama-sama. Mohon datang kembali.


A : May I get the payment bill?

Boleh saya minta tagihan pembayarannya?

B : Sure. This is your payment bill, sir.

Tentu. Ini tagihan pembayarannya pak.

A : Thank you. This is the payment.

Terima kasih. Ini pembayarannya.

B : Your welcome. Please come back again later.

Sama-sama. Mohon datang kembali.

Let’s learn more about Indonesian Dishes Names

Asking for take away

A : Can I take away the leftovers?

Boleh saya bungkus kelebihannya?

B : Sure. Excuse me, I’ll prepare it.

Tentu. Mohon maaf, saya akan menyiapkannya.


A : Can I order and take away?

Boleh saya pesan dan bungkus?

B : Sure. What do you want to order, sir?

Tentu. Apa yang ingin anda pesan pak?

A : I want to buy one servings of chicken and rice.

Saya ingin beli satu porsi ayam dan nasi.

B : Sure. It’s fifteen thousand rupiah.

Baik. Jumlahnya lima belas ribu rupiah.

A : Here you are.

Ini uangnya.

B : Here is the exchange. Please wait there to wait the order.

Ini kembaliannya. Mohon ditunggu disana pesanannya.

A : Thank you.

Terima kasih.

B : Your welcome. Please come again later.

Sama-sama. Mohon datang kembali.

Let’s learn more about Can I Have The Bill Please in Indonesian Language

Categories: Conversation