How to Say Good Luck in Indonesian Language – Examples

Hi everyone! Hope you all doing well! Today we will learn valuable lesson in Indonesian language, which is how to say good luck in Indonesia language. Saying good luck means that you give support and wish the best for your friend’s endeavor.

And, this term is common to find in Indonesian language daily conversation. Knowing how to say good luck in Indonesian language is good to strengthen emotional relationship with local counterpart.

Oftenly we find that locals pronounce the word “Good luck” in english when they want to give support. But, there are actually several Indonesian words to say good luck. Below are example of saying good luck in bahasa Indonesia.

How to Say Goodluck in Indonesian Language

  • Semoga Sukses! (Wish you succeed!)
  • Semoga Berhasil! (Hope you succeed!)
  • Semoga Beruntung, ya! (May you luck!)

When wishing something, we always use the word “Semoga”. In the first and second phrase, we use the word “Semoga” to express that we wish somebody success in their endeavour. The word “Semoga” is always put in front of the phrase. On phrases above, we can see that the word “semoga” placed in front of the word “berhasil”, which means luck or success.

In terms of wishing something, we can use other phrase as substitute for “semoga”. The word is “mudah-mudahan”. The phrase “mudah-mudahan” means that we wishing for something. The word “mudah” in this phrase doesn’t mean “easy”. This phrase consists of the word “Mudah” which pronounce twice with an addition of affix word “an” in the end of the phrase. It makes the meaning changes from “easy” into “wishing something.”

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Here are several example on how to use the word “Mudah-mudahan” for saying good luck in Indonesian language:

Saying “Mudah-mudahan” word for wishing good luck

  • Mudah-mudahan berhasil. (Hopefully you luck)
  • Mudah-mudahan sukses. (Wish you are success)
  • Sukses terus, mudah-mudahan. (Wish you success, hopefully)

Above are example how the word “mudah-mudahan” can be used as substitute of the word “semoga” in saying good luck. Sometimes, saying “Mudah-mudahan berhasil” sounds more sincere than just saying “Semoga Sukses!”. It is because when saying “Mudah-mudahan berhasil” is more emotional than “semoga sukses”.

However, the use of word in saying goodluck in Indonesian language depends on the conversation. The word “Semoga Berhasil” is oftenly used in a short conversation (mostly small talk). This is the example of the use of “Semoga Berhasil” in Indonesian Language.

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Example of the use of “Semoga Berhasil” in conversation.

A: Apa rencana kamu akhir pekan ini? (What is your plan this weekend)

B: Aku mau ikut lomba memasak. (I will join cooking competition)

A: Wah, semoga berhasil ya! (Wow, Good luck then!)

B: Terima kasih ya! (Thanks!)

On conversation above, we know that the “A” is only mean to ask about “B’s” plan this weekend. However, “B” said that he will join a cooking competition. As a response for that information, “A” tell “B” a good luck word “semoga berhasil”. In this case, we can see that the word “Semoga berhasil” only used as a formal response in a short conversation. This is why this word is less emotional.

This is different if we use the word “Mudah-mudahan berhasil” as way to say good luck in Indonesian language.

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Below are example of saying “Mudah-mudahan” berhasil in a conversation: 

Example of the use of “Mudah-mudahan” Berhasil

A: Bagaimana hasil tes masuk kampus baru kamu? (How is your college admission test?)

B: Belum diumumkan. Saya masih menunggu hasilnya. (It’s not announced yet. I Still waiting for the result)

A: Mudah-mudahan berhasil ya. (Wish you best of luck)

B: Terima kasih ya. (Thanks)

Conversation above show that the use of “mudah-mudahan” berhasil is sounds more sincere and deep. We can see that “A” is already know the “B’s” endeavour in college admission test. And when “A” asked “B”about his result, it showed that “A” is already concern to “B’s” endeavour and he said the word “mudah-mudahan berhasil” as expression for this.

As we can see on examples above, the word “semoga” and “mudah-mudahan” often used as an expression for saying good luck. Actually, both word can be used in other phrase related to saying good luck in Indonesian language. Below are example of related phrase:

Related phrase to saying good luck in Indonesian Language

  • Semoga sehat selalu (Wish you always well)
  • Mudah-mudahan selalu dilindungi Tuhan (May you always be protected by God)
  • Semoga selalu bahagia (Wish you always happy)

Now you know how to say good luck in bahasa indonesia. We can use the word “Semoga berhasil” or “Mudah-mudahan berhasil” to express good luck in Indonesian language. Even the word “mudah-mudahan” is sounds more sincere then “semoga”, but please note that wishing good luck in Indonesian language depends on situation and conversation that you are involved with.

That’s how to say good luck in Indonesian language! Selamat belajar! Mudah-mudahan selalu berhasil!

Categories: Conversation