A-Z Important Words and Phrases in Indonesian You Should Learn

For foreigners that want to learn Indonesian language, you can start by learning several important and phrases that you can use when going to Indonesia.

Here, we will give you list of important words and phrases in Indonesian that maybe helpful for you.

Indonesian Greetings

Selamat Pagi: Good morning

Selamat Siang: Good afternoon

Selamat sore: Good evening

Selamat malam: Good night

Apa kabar: How are you

Kabar baik: I’m fine

Terima kasih: Thank you

Sama Sama: You are welcome

Iya/ya: Yes

Tidak: No

Read more about Indonesian greetings:

Indonesian pronouns

Aku: I

Saya (formal): I

Kamu: You 

Anda (formal): You 

Dia: He or She

Kita: We (including the person we speak to)

Kami: We (not including the person we speak to)

Kalian: You (plural)

Mereka: They


Kiri: left

Kanan: right

Lurus: straight

Belok: turn

Depan: in front of

Belakang: behind

Sebelah: next to

Seberang: across

Persimpangan: junction

Pertigaan: T junction

Perempatan : crossroad

Jalan: road

Jalan setapak: footpath

Trotoar: sidewalk

Bangunan: building

Saya mau pergi ke … : I want to go to …

Saya dari … : I am from …

Bisa tolong jelaskan cara pergi ke … : Can you explain me how to go to …

Ordering Food

Makan: eat

Minum: drink

Makanan: food

Minuman: drinks

Jajanan: snacks

Pedas: spicy

Manis: sweet

Gurih, asin: salty

Asam: sour

Pahit: bitter

Panas: hot

Dingin: cold

Minyak: oil

Gula: sugar

Air: water

Nasi: rice

Mie: noodle

Sayur: vegetables

Daging ayam: chicken

Daging sapi: cow meat

Enak: delicious

Harga: price

Murah: cheap

Mahal: expensive

Menu: menu

Teh: tea

Kopi: coffee

Rumah makan: restaurant

Nota: bill

Permisi, saya mau pesan … : excuse me, I want to order …

Di mana rumah makan enak di dekat sini: where is a good restaurant near here 


1 satu

2 dua

3 tiga

4 empat

5 lima

6 enam

7 tujuh

8 delapan

9 sembilan

10 sepuluh

11 sebelas

12 dua belas

13 tiga belas

20 dua puluh

21 dua puluh satu

22 dua puluh dua

30 tiga puluh

100 seratus

200 dua ratus

300 tiga ratus

1,000 seribu

2,000 dua ribu

3,000 tiga ribu

20,000 dua puluh ribu

200,000 dua ratus ribu

1,000,000 satu juta

1,000,000,000 satu miliar

1,000,000,000,000 satu triliun

Read more about other Indonesian words: List of Indonesian Numbers 


Berangin: windy

Cerah: sunny

Hujan: rain

Gerimis: drizzle

Mendung: cloudy

Read more about other Indonesian words: Weather Words in Indonesian

Other important Indonesian words

Terima kasih: thank you

Sama-sama: you’re welcome

Bagus: great

Hati-hati: be careful

Buka: open

Tutup: closed

Apa ini: what is this

Hai: hello

Sampai jumpa: see you

Maaf: I’m sorry

Tidak apa-apa: it’s okay

Tolong: help

Jam berapa sekarang: what time is it

Saya turis: I’m a tourist

Tolong fotokan saya: please help to take my picture

Read more about other Indonesian words:

That’s all about important words and phrases in Indonesian. There are maybe many more important Indonesian words and phrases that you may use and should know. You can learn about it little by little. Thank you for reading.

Categories: Vocabulary