Best Wishes in Indonesian – Definition – Examples

Hello everyone! In this occasion, I am going to give you one of the important thing in Indonesian. This important thing is about best wishes expressions in Indonesian. Best wishes in Indonesian is “kata harapan”. The wishes are used to wish for someone’s good fortune.

Many people in Indonesia give some best wishes sentences to other people, to wish for their good luck. The best wishes can make people be excited about their life, so that they can live a better life. Before you get down to the information below, here are some recommended articles.

Here is the article about best wishes in Indonesian.

How to Pronounce Best Wishes in Indonesian

Best wishes in Indonesian is using the word “semoga” to start the sentence of wish for people. Semoga is pronounced se-mo-ga. Wishes in Indonesian is expressing the hope (harapan), but commonly people use “semoga” instead of “harapan” or “harap”.

This is because “semoga” is more proper to use when you are expecting for someone’s good fortune. The second word to express about wishes in Indonesian is “mudah-mudahan” (mu-dah mu-dahan). “Mudah-mudahan” is the same as “semoga” and oftenly used in daily conversation. Those words are more flexible to be used in any wishes expressions. Check out this article too

Concept of Best Wishes in Indonesian

Best wishes are used to express about someone’s expectation, especially about wishing for someone’s good fortune. The best wishes sentences can be useful anytime we want to respond someone, especially when we want to show our wish for them.

By give them the best wishes, we can encourage them to be more excited to do their activities, or to achieve their dreams. People will feel appreciated once you give them the best wishes expression, and they will be thankful for that.

That is why, we can use the best wishes expressions anytime we want, especially when we wish for someone’s good fortune. How to Say “My Name is” in Bahasa Indonesia is a good article about basic Indonesian.

Example of Best Wishes in Indonesian

Here are some examples of best wishes in Indonesian.

“Semoga” sentences (I wish…)

  • Semoga kamu menjadi orang yang lebih baik, dan memiliki sikap pantang menyerah dalam menjalani hidup kamu. –I hope you become a better person, and never give up on your life
  • Semoga kamu berhasil menemukan orang yang mau menerima kamu apa adanya. – I hope you can find the one that loves you unconditionally
  • Semoga hari ini sekolah pulang lebih awal – I hope school finish earlier today
  • Aku sudah lelah mencari makanan. Semoga kita bisa ketemu restoran di jalan itu – I am already tired to look for food. I hope we can find the restaurant in that road 
  • Semoga tahun depan kamu akan menjadi lebih baik lagi – I wish you can be better next year
  • Setelah kejadian hari ini, semoga kamu semakin mempersiapkan diri dengan lebih baik – After what has happened today, I hope you will prepare yourself better
  • Semoga hari ini tidak hujan- I wish today is not rainy
  • Kantor polisi sudah dekat. Semoga kita bisa bertemu dengan kepala polisi di sana. – The police station is close by. Hopefully we can meet the head officer there

“Mudah-mudahan” sentences (I hope…/I wish…)

  • Mudah-mudahan kamu diberi umur panjang – I wish you can have a long life
  • Saya lapar sekarang. Mudah-mudahan ada restoran di sekitar sini. – I am hungry now. I hope there will be a restaurant around here.
  • Mudah-mudahan kita semua lolos ke universitas terbaik. – I hope all of us can pass to the best university
  • Mudah-mudahan operasinya berjalan lancar. -I hope the surgery will be good
  • Dia kelihatan sedih hari ini. Mudah-mudahan ada yang bisa menghiburnya – He looks sad this day. I hope someone can entertain him.
  • Hari ini adalah hari spesial untuknya, mudah-mudahan dia bisa datang.- Today is a special day for her, I hope she can come.
  • Kita harus optimis. Mudah-mudahan bisa kembali ke rumah dalam kondisi terbaik.- We have to be optimistic. I hope we can get back home in a best condition.
  • Saya lupa membawa SIM. Mudah-mudahan, polisi tidak menilang saya. – I forgot to bring my driving license. I wish the police won’t ticketed me. 

“Harap” and “harapan” sentences (I wish, I hope, hopefully…)

  • Kamu sering sakit sekarang. Saya harap, dokter menangani kamu dengan maksimal. – you get sick very often nowadays. I wish, the doctor can handle you with his best.
  • Saya berharap yang terbaik untukmu, agar kamu bisa menang – I wish the best for you, so that you can win.
  • Nenek saya berharap saya bisa mendapat pekerjaan di sini – my grandma wished I can get a job here.
  • Aku harap pelangi ada dua setelah hujan hari ini. -I wish there will be two rainbows after rain this day.
  • Harapan memang penting agar kita bisa terus semangat. – Wishes are important so that we can be more excited.
  • Mereka harap kamu bisa jadi lebih pintar. – they wish that you can be smarter.
  • Aku harap kamu bisa beruntung hari ini. – I wish you can be lucky today.

Those are some best wishes in Indonesian. Hopefully you can get the information you want, and you can improve your Indonesian language. Here is one more recommended article to end this information Indonesian Quotes about Culture. Good luck!

Categories: Sentences