Aloha!! Hopefully your eager to learn Bahasa Indonesia keeps rising up.
In English, the letter W is pronounced as “double U”. But, the pronouncation is much differrent in Bahasa Indonesia that the letter W sounds ” Wae”.
You should know the pronunciation first before we begin our lesson today in this article. Yeah, we will talk about all Indonesian Words that begin with W. So that, check them out the Indonesian words that start with W letter.
- Wabah (Wha-buah) = Epidemic
- Wacana (Wha-cha-nua) = Word/ Exression/ Discourse
- (1) Wadah (Wha-dah) = Container/ Bowl
- (2) Wadah (Wha-dah) = Organization/ Institution
- Waduk (Wha-dook) = Lake/ Rumen
- Wafat (Wha-fuat) = Die/ Pass away/ Death/ Fade away
- Wah (Whuah) = (Expression to show surprise or exprasation) Gosh/ Why/ Amazing/ Well
- Wahana (Wha-hua-nua) = Mode/ Vehicle
- Wahid (Wha-hid) = One/ Alone/ Unique
- Wahyu (Whah-you) = The vision from God to man/ Apocalypse/ Revelation/ Vision
- Wajah (Wha-juah) = Face
- Wajan ( Wha-juan) = Pan/ Casserole
- Wajar (Wha-juar) = Natural/ Genuine/ Proper/ Without deceit
- Wajib (Wha-jib) = Obligatory
- Wajik (Wha-jik) = Rhomboid shape
- Wakaf (Wha-kaf) = Property donated for religious foundation
- Wakil (Wha-keel) = Representative/ Vice/ Deputy/ Agent
- Waktu (Whak-two) = Time
- Walang (Wha-lung) (In Java vocabulary) = Grasshopper/ Locust
- Walau (Wha-lau) = Although/ Despite/ In spite of
- Walaupun (Wha-lau-poon) = Despite/ Although
- Wali (Wha-lee) = male relative legally for the bride/ Father/ Guardian/ Proxy/ High civil servant/ Religious leader
- Wangi (Wha-ngi) = Odor/ Fragrance
- Wangsa (Whang-sua) = Dynasty
- Wanita (Whan-ita) = Woman/ Women/ Lady
- Waras (Wha-ruas) = Having full state of sense/ Being Healthy (related to pschology)/ Revovered
- Warga (War-gua) = Citizen/ Member of an association/ Denizen/ Member/ Class
- Warganegara (War-gua-nae-gua-rua) = National
- Waria (Wha-ria) (Stands for Wanita pria) = Transexual/ Transgender/ Transvetite/ Homosexual
- Waris (War-is) = Heir
- Warisan (War-is-uan) = Heir/ Inheritence/ Legacy/ Bequest
- Warna (War-nua) = Color
- Warya (War-tua) = Report/ Communication
- Wartawan (War-ta-wan) = Reporter/ Journalis/ Correspondent/ PresserÂ
- Warung (War-oong) = Small shop/ Little stall
- Wasangka (Was-uang-kua) = Suspicion
- Wasiat (Was-iat) = Dying exhortation/ Last will and testament/ Magic power
- Wasilah (Was-e-luah) = Bond/ Connection/ Relation
- Wasit (Was-it) = Referee/ Arbitrator/ Umpier/ Arbiter
- Wasitah (Was-it-uah) = Medium/ Spirit.
- Waskita (Was-key-tua) = Clairvoyant/ Psychic
- Waslap (Was-luap) = Scrubbing towel/ Washcloth
- Waspada (Was-pua-dua) = Watchful/ Wide awake/ Vigilant/ Attentive/ Wary/ On guard
- Wastafel (Was-tough-fael) = Bathroom sink/ Wash basin
- Watak (Wha-tuak) = Temper/ Nature/ Disposition/ Character
- Wawancara (Wha-whan-cha-rua) = Interview
- Wawasan (Wha-wha-sun) = Insight/ Perception/ Concept
- Wayang (Wha-young) = Shadow play with leather puppet (Traditional drama perfomance of Java and Bali).
- Wejangan (Whe-juang-uan) = Instruction/ Advice
- Wesel (Whae-sell) = Money order/ DraftÂ
- Wibawa (We-bha-wua) = Authority/ Power
- Widuri (We-do-re) (Java Tradition) = Shrub
- Widyawisata (Wid-ya–we-sha-tua) = Study Tour
- Wilayah (We-luay-uah) = Region/ Area/ Zone/ District
- Wira (We-rua) = Man/ Hero
- Wisata (We-sha-tua) = Tour/ Trip/ Journey
- Wisatawan (We-suat-aw-uan) = Tourist
- Wiski (We-ski) = Whiskey/ Scotch
- Wisma (Whis-mua) = Public building
- Wisuda (Whis-ouda) = Graduation ceremony
- Wujud (Who-jood) = Shape/ Appearance/Figure
- Wol (Whol) = Wool
- Wortel (Wor-tael) = Carrot
Okay then, those are the Indonesian words that start with W letter. Hopefully, what we inform you can help you learning Bahasa Indonesia. Especially this article can increase your Indonesian Vocabulary. See you, good people!!