
“Loh, Mah, Yah, and Yuk” Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia – How to Use It in Everyday Language

Bahasa Indonesia is indeed a unique language. The language has different style and words used for formal and informal language. In daily Indonesian conversation, we will hear more informal words rather than the formal ones.

The informal words sometimes difficult to find the meaning in the dictionary. Here, we want to help to explain the meaning of several of the words, loh, mah, yah, and yuk.

Read more about other slangs in Indonesian

Loh Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

Loh is a particle used in Bahasa Indonesia informal language to express surprise, astonishment.

Rather than something exciting or beautiful, it is more used to express something out of expectations. For example if you expect someone to do A, but he/she do B.

Usually, loh is used together with word kok. For example: loh kok kamu makan lagi (why are you eating again) or loh kamu kok makan lagi (why are you eating again).

Mah Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

Mah as a particle is not an abbreviation from Mamah (Mom). Mah is a particle used in Bahasa Indonesia informal language to accentuate the meaning of a sentence.

But in this case, you say “mah” to emphasize to meaning of the words, uses only for informal conversation.

Usually, this word is used after a subject. For example: aku mah sukanya nasi goreng (I like fried rice).

Yah Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

Yah is a particle used in Bahasa Indonesia informal language to express disappointment, sorrow, or sadness. Indonesian people usually use this word to someone that can’t do what we want.

Same with loh, yah is also used together with word kok. For example: Yah kok kamu nggak bisa datang (why couldn’t you come) or yah kamu kok nggak bisa datang (why couldn’t you come).

Yuk Meaning in Bahasa Indonesia

Yuk is a word used in Bahasa Indonesia informal language to invite or persuade someone to come together with us. It is equal to “let’s go” or come in in English. For example: ayo kita pulang (let’s go home) 

Using Loh, Mah, Yah, and Yuk in Indonesian Daily Conversations

To have more understanding about words meaning, you need to know the examples on how to use it in daily conversations. Below are several examples of using loh, mah, yah, and yuk in Indonesian daily conversations.

  • A: Loh, kamu kok belum pulang?

A: Why haven’t you go home?

  • A: Aku mah lebih suka liburan ke pegunungan daripada ke pantai

A: I prefer going to the mountains rather than to the beach for vacation

  • A: Yah, kamu kok nggak ikut makan malam bersama?

A: Why you can’t come to have dinner together with us?

  • A: Yuk kita pergi ke pantai

A: Let’s go to the beach

That’s all about loh, mah, yah, and yuk meaning in Bahasa Indonesia. I hope the information will be helpful for all the readers.