
How to Say Independence Day in Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesian Independence Day is nearing. We can see many people start to hang Indonesian flag and other decorations related to the celebration. How to say Independence Day in Indonesia? To know more about the answer, read the explanation below.

How to Say Independence Day in Bahasa Indonesia

Independence day can be defined as a special day to celebrate the anniversary of national independence. In Indonesia, if we translated “independence day” word by word will become as below:

Independence: kemandirian, kemerdekaan

Day: hari

Read more about Indonesian history:

In everyday and official language, we say independence day as “hari kemerdekaan” in Indonesia. We also sometimes say it as “hari ulang tahun”. However, the most common and official way is by saying “hari kemerdekaan”. Below are several examples that we can use and hear in daily conversation:

  • Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia diperingati setiap tanggal 17 Agustus.
    Indonesian Independence Day is celebrated every 17th of August.
  • Hari Ulang Tahun Republik Indonesia (HUT RI) yaitu setiap tanggal 17 Agustus.
    Indonesian Independence Day is celebrated every 17th of August.

Indonesian Independence Day

Indonesia declared its Independence back then on the 17th of August, 1945. The declaration was led by the proclamator Ir Soekarno and Moh Hatta.

Indonesia finally declared its independence after centuries of colonization by Portuguese, England, France, the Dutch, Spain, and Japanese. The independence declaration was results of years of fighting and discussion. It was a very memorable and historical day.

Before the declaration, Indonesia was under the control of the Japanese. However, after Japanese lost in World War II, Indonesian heroes at that time feel that this is the right time to declare independence. After several discussions and events, Indonesia can finally declared their independence on the 17th of August 1945.

How Indonesian Usually Celebrate Independence Day

Independence day is a special day for Indonesian people. It is the day when all of the people in the country celebrate it in a fun yet meaningful way. Usually, several days before the events, the people start to hang Indonesian flag and other decorative flag in front of school buildings, government buildings, houses, office buildings, and even on the streets. Several people also add blinking lamps.

To celebrate the day, people usually make an event where many people can gather and compete in several fun traditional games.

On the day of the celebration, in the morning people will join independence day celebration ceremony. On the ceremony, the national flag will be hanged at the top of the pole.

That’s all the explanation for how to say independence day in bahasa Indonesia. I hope the information will be helpful for all of the readers and can expand your knowledge on Indonesian history. Thank you for reading.