
All Indonesian Words Starting with X – Alphabet – Meaning

Hey our dearest readers!

How are you today ? Hopefully you always feel happy, healthy, and also grateful.

In this session, our lesson is still related to gaining Indonesian vocabulary. So taht, we will talk about the Indonesian words that begins with X.

The letter X either in English or in Indonesian language is same. Yes, how its pronouncation is “eks”.  Similar to our previous topic about Indonesian words that begins with Y, there is a few of Indonesian word with X, too.

Indonesian Words Starting with X

Because of a few Indonesian word with X, in this session, our lesson to gain Indonesian vocabulary is a little bit different. We won’t only talk about the words with its translation from Indonesian language to the English, but we will also learn what its definition is. Besides, don’t forget to know its pronunciation as well as our previous lesson. So, here we go!

1. Xantat (Sun-tuat) = Xanten/ Xanthate

Xhantate is defined as the chemical formula in salt. Besides, xanthate usually refers the esters of xanthic acid.

2. Xantofil (San-tow-feel) = Xantophyll

The definition of Xantophyl is the unit of yellow caretenoid pigments. This pigment is commonly found in the tissue of either plant or animal.

3. Xenia (Xe-knee-uh) = Xenia

The terminology of Xenia is an effect on the structure of seed or fruit because of the pollen.

4. Xenophili (Cent-ophi-lee) = Xenophilia

The definition of Xenophilia is admiring strangers because of anythin on them.

5. Xenofobia (Cent-opho-bee-uh) = Xenophobia

Xenophobia is defined as the fear of any unfamiliar things. In other way, it can be explained as feeling afraid of any stranger or foreigner.

6. Xenoglosia (Cent-o-glossia) = Xenoglossy

Xenoglossy refers to a person who can either speak or write because his/her supranatural ability. Its synonym is xenolalia which means a phenomenon of putative paranormal.

7. Xenomania (Cent-o-mania) = Xenomania

The definition of xenomania is the high passion pf any custom. Another way to explain it admiring any stranger or the odd thing extremely.

8. Xenon (Cent-on) = Xenon

Xenon is a termed that means a gas of chemical element without any color and smell.

9. Xeroftalmia (Xer-ophtal-me-uh) = Xerophtalmia

Xeropthalmia is an terminologi in Medicine that its meaning is the failure of eye to produce the tears.

10. Xerofil (Xero-feel) = Xerophil

The terminology of xerophil is any unique organism that can live extremely without the adequate water like other creature. These organisms are still able to groa and reproduce even there is no availability of water. 

11. Xerofit (Xero-feet) = Xerophyte

Xerophyte is defined as similar as the terminology of Xerophil. Meanwhile, the Xerophyte refers to the plant classification which is able to be adapted to have its growth under extremely dry circumstance.

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12. Xerosis (Xero-sees) = Xerosis

Xerosis is a pathology term in Medicine that means the abnormal dry condition in the tissue of human’s body, especially the eyes, skin, and mucous membrane.

13. Xifoid (Xi-void) = Xiphoid

The definition of Xiphoid is a sharp shape that looks like a sword. Somehow it is often associated with the xiphoid proccess–the flat and sharp bone in human body that is located in the central chest.

14. Xilol (Xhyl-all) = Xylene

The terminology of Xylene exist in chemistry. Xylene means the volatile liquid hydrocarbon obtained by distilling wood, coal tar, or petroleum, used in fuels and solvents and in chemical synthesis.

Check out more Indonesian vocabularies:

Okay those Indonesian words starting with X, with its own meaning and explanation is all materials that we can share to you. Hopefully it is useful for you. Keep your spirit to learn, dearest people! See you!