Conversation Speaking

Medok Means in Bahasa Indonesia – Dialect – Structures

Hello, how are you today? I wish u have a good day

Every living creature have the capability to communicate with another. Even the smallest one like a worm for example. Having communicate with another become their basic needs especially on human as a living social creature.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, conversation is a noun which means a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people in which news and ideas are exchanged.

On a conversation act, a speaker is not only delivering a message or ideas but they also build a social relationships with the opponent. In pragmatic theory they believe that there is a connection between politeness and culture especially in doing a speech act.

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According to Dell Hymes Speaking theory the application of speech act divided into:

  • S for setting and scene
  • P for participants
  • E for ends
  • A for act sequence
  • K for key
  • I for instrumentalities
  • N for norms
  • G for genre

Setting refers to the time and place when the speech act were happened. Scene refers to psychological setting or cultural definition of a scene. Participants involved the speaker itself and the opponent as the audience. Instrumentalities are tools to complete the speech act. Instrumentalities consists the method of communication, the language, dialect or register.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, dialect means a form of language that people speak in a particular part of a country by a particular group of people containing some different words, grammars, pronunciations. Meanwhile in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), dialect means language variations spoke by a particular group of Indonesian tribes. When it is compared, definition of dialect in English and Bahasa Indonesia, they are having the same meaning.

In Indonesia there are a lot of dialects which were spoken by different tribes. Maybe there were hundreds different dialects. One of the dialects that quite famous in Indonesia is called “medok”.

Medok in KBBI means has some meaning:

  • holes like on sponge or cakes
  • dirty
  • thick like on vegetables soup
  • the accent on speaking

In general medok is the way of people speak in their own region dialect, but medok is well known for those who speak originated in Java such as East Java, Central Java, Betawi, and Yogyakarta. Even they are speaking the same language Javanese, but they have different accent and maybe different meaning of the same word.

For example Javanesse accent in Purwokerto compared with Javanesse accent in Jogjakarta. The difference is located on how they pronounce the /A/ vowel. In Javanesse (Jogjakarta) the /A/ vowel is pronounced into “O”.

The example:

  • Bricks: Bata (Banyumasan accent) pronounce /Ba/-/Ta/

Boto (Jogjakarta accent) pronounce /Bo/-/To/

  • Eyes:   Mata (Banyumasan accent) pronounce /Ma/-/Ta/

Moto (Jogjakarta accent) pronounce /Mo/-/To/

Besides the difference way on pronounciacing the /A/ vowel, there are some words that has different forms but has the same meaning.

For example:

  • Hungry: Ngelih (Jogjakarta accent) pronounce /Nge/-/Lih/

   Kencot (Banyumasan accent) pronounce /Ken/-/Cot/

  • Why (asking for reason): Ngopo (Jogjakarta accent) pronounce /Ngo/-/Po/

     Geneo (Tegal accent) pronounce /Ge/-/Ne/-/O/

Examples in sentences:

  • Tuku bata sak truk. (Buying a truck of bricks)
  • Boto ne delehen ngarep omah. (Put the bricks in front of the house)
  • Aku ngelih urung sarapan. (I am hungry because i missed my breakfast)
  • Ngopo koe telat? (Why are you being late?)

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Because medok is a dialect or accent on how a group of people delivering a conversation there is no difference whether they are delivering the speech act in formal or infomal situation.

When it is comes to a dialect sometimes its became as a part of someone’s identity. They could easily be characterized where they come from by the way they speak. It is quite hard to change those dialect because it is a habit that a people do on their daily routine since the first time they were able to speak.

Hopefully this article were easy to understand and provide knowledge on your learning process of Bahasa Indonesia. See you later !