If grammar is like a bone, then the vocabulary is like the flesh of a language. Here are some Indonesian words and the meaning which are commonly used for daily conversation.
Aba, aba-aba = command
Abal, abal-abal = fake
Abang = big brother
Aci = tapioca flour
Acak = shuffle
Abai = ignore
Absen = absent
Ambil = take
Andai = wish, as if
Adat = custom
Adab = norm
Asap = smoke
Arah = direction
Arsip = archieve
Asal = origin
Arang = charcoal
Anggur = grape, wine
Akar = root
Asli = authentic
Also read:Â Indonesian Words Starting with A
Baca = read
Barang = goods
Baru = new
Butuh = need
Busa = foam
Benci = hate
Bisa = can
Balas = reply
Basah = wet
Bakar = burn
Bubur = porridge
Buka = open
Bulan = moon, month
Bukan = not
Busuk = rotten
Belang = stripes
Bebek = duck
Bekas = ex, used
Benar = right
Besi = iron
Berat = heavy
Belum = not yet
Bencana = disaster
Benda = things
Barang = goods
Banci = transgender
Biji = seed
Bau = smell, odor
Baju = clothes
Blus = blouse
Canda = laughter
Cacing = worm
Capai = reach
Capek = tired
Cakar = claw
Cara = way
Candu = addicted
Cambuk = whip
Cacat = defect, disable
Catat = jot down
Cuma = only
Cuti = day off
Cuka = vinegar
Cucu = grandchildren
Cumi, cumi-cumi = cuttlefish
Cegah = prevent
Celah = gap
That’s about the Indonesian words and their meanings, also read Indonesian Words that Start with C
Duduk = sit
Duka = misery
Dan = and
Dapat = get
Demi = for the sake
Dekap = fold
Dingin = cold
Dada = breast
Dusta = lie, poetic
Dunia = world
Dengan = with
Elang = hawk
Enggan = not willing
Ebi = dired shrimp
Edar = circulate
Edisi = edition
Eja = spell
Faktur = invoice
Fase = phase
Fana = transient
Fisik = physique
Fikir = thought
Fiksi = fiction
Foto = photo
Faedah = benefit
Fajar = sun, poetic
Fasilitas = facility
Faktor = factor
Fantasi = fantasy
Fanatik = fanatic
Fasih = fluent
Gagal = fail
Gadai = pawn, mortgage
Genap = even
Gasal = odd
Ganjil = odd
Guru = teacher
Gugur = fall
Gabah = shell of rice
Gabus = foam
Gabung = join
Gading = ivory
Gado-gado = mixed vegetable with peanut sauce
Gairah = passion
Garuk = scratch
Gajih = fat
Gaji = salary
Galak = fierce
Gajah = elephant
Getar = vibrate
Gadungan = fake
Gagap = stutter
Gigit = bite
Gempa = earthquake
Danda = double
Gampang = easy
Gambar = picture
Ganas = fierce
Ganggu = disturb
Gelap = dark
Guling = roll
Gesit = mobile, swift
Garam = salt
Gula = sugar
Hina = insult
Hampir = almost
Hisap = suck
Heran = surprise
Hendak = will
Harap = wish
Huruf = alphabet
Hak = right
Hakim = judge
Halus = smooth
Haid = menstruation
Hadir = present
Hadiah = gift
Hanya = only
Ikan = fish
Izin = permit
Ijazah = diploma certificate
Ibu = mother
Ingkar = deny
Ilmu = knowledge
Iklim = climate
Ilmiah = scientific
Ikut = come along
That’s about the Indonesian words and their meanings, also read Indonesian Words Starting With I
Jarang = often
Janji = promise
Jalan = street
Jumpa = meet
Jujur = honest
Jajan = snack
Jadwal = schedule
Jagung = corn
Jahat = mean
Jatah = quota
Jam = hours
Jual = sell
Kawan = friends
Kunci = key
Kadaluarsa = expire
Kadang = sometimes
Kaca = glass, mirror
Kado = present
Kacau = mess
Kacamata = eyeglasses
Kacang = nut
Kuning = yellow
Lemas = weak
Lelah = tired
Lebih = more
Lulus = pass
Lembaga = organization
Laba = profit
Laba-laba = spider
Lagu = song
Lancar = fluent
Lada = pepper
Luas = wide
Lupa = forget
Lucu = funny
Lumayan = not bad
Mau = want
Merah = red
Mabuk = drunk
Macet = traffic jam
Mandi = take a shower
Majemuk = plural
Makan = eat
Makanan = food
Magang = internship
Maaf = sorry
mahal = expensive
majalah = magazine
Malas = Lazy
Mimpi = dream
Also learn more about Indonesian words starting with M
Nyanyi = sing
Nama = name
Nanti = later
Negara = country
Nakal = baughty
Nada = note
Naga = dragon
Olahraga = physical exercise
Oleh = by
Olah = process
Obral = sale
Obrol = conversation
Obsesi = obsession
Oles = spread, apply
Ompong = toothless
Orangtua = old man, parents
Otak = brain
Otot = muscle
Also learn more about Indonesian words starting with O
Panci = pan
Pabrik = manufacturer
Pagi = morning
Padi = rice plant
Pahlawan = hero
Pucat = pale
Pajak = tax
Pakar = expert
Pacet = leech
Pacaran = dating
Paha = thigh
Pihak = party, side
Pinknik = picnic
Pilih = choose
Pilihan = selection
Pingsan = unconscious
Pinjam = borrow
Pintu = door
Pisau = knife
Piring = plate
Pipi = cheek
Pirang = blond
Learn more about Indonesian words starting with P
Qualitas = quality
Quantitas = quantity
Also learn more about Indonesian words starting with Q
Rasa = taste, feel
Rambut = hair
Rabu = Wednesday
Rempah = spices
Rencana = plan
Rusak = broken
Sampai = until
Sekat = space
Semua = all
Sedang = while
Sukses = success
Tanya = ask
Talenta = talent
Tambah = add
Tekun = assiduous
Teliti = careful
Terang = bright
Uang = money
Ukuran = measurement
Ukur = measure
Upah = salary
Varian = variety
Vanili = Vanilla
Valuta = currency
Vaksinasi = vaccination
Varises = Varicose
Also learn more about Indonesian word starting with V
Wacana = reading
Waktu = time
Wabah = epidemic
Wajib = Obligatory
Wajar = proper
Wajah = face
Wakil = representative, vice
Wangi = fragrance
Warga = citizen
Waras = sane, healthy
Eayang = Shadow puppet
Wisata = trip, vacation
Wortel = carrot
Learn more about Indonesian words starting with W
Yakin = sure, convinced
Yayasan = foundation, organization
yang = which is, that is
Learn more Indonesian words starting with Y
Those are some Indonesian words and the meaning that you can use for daily conversation. Click the related link to see more words example and the meaning.