Halo, apa kabar? Welcome back to Mastering Bahasa! In previous articles, we have provided various articles for you to learn Indonesian language for free! We are still updating our articles in order for you to master Indonesian language and use them in your daily basis. We would like for you to check our article Indonesian Conversation Phrases for useful common conversation phrases!
In this article, we will show you common Indonesian Verbs that are used in many occasion and conversation. You can use these verbs in your daily conversation with your friends, family, and colleagues. Here, we are going to divide verbs based on the locations where those usually are done. So you will not have any kind of trouble to decide which verb to use in your daily conversation. Not only that, we also provide example sentences for each verb, plus we provide the translations for each sentences! Very useful, no. Without further ado, let’s start!
- Common Verbs Uses In DailyÂ
In this part, we provide some common and useful Indonesian verbs that can be applied in your house.
Indonesian Verbs | Meaning |
Tidur | (To) Sleep |
Tidur Siang | (To) Take a nap |
Bangun tidur | (To) Wake up |
Menonton TV | (To) Watch TV |
Mandi | (To) Take a shower |
Belajar | (To) Study |
Membaca | (To) Read |
Sarapan | (To eat) Breakfast |
Makan siang | (To eat) Lunch |
Makan Malam | (To eat) Dinner |
Memasak | (To) Cook |
Mencuci | (To) Wash |
Tinggal | (To) Live in |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Verbs in Sentences:
- Tidur = (To) Sleep
Saya tidur di kasur.
I sleep on the bed. - Tidur Siang = (To) Take a Nap
Saya tidur siang di sofa.
I am taking a nap on the couch. - Bangun tidur = (To) Wake up
Saya bangun tidur setiap jam lima pagi.
I wake up at five o’clock in the morning. - Menonton TV = (To) Watch TV
Saya selalu menonton TV sepulang sekolah.
I always watch TV after school. - Mandi = (To) Take a Shower.
Saya mandi sebelum berangkat ke sekolah.
I take a shower before go to school. - Belajar = (To) Study
Saya belajar setiap sore.
I study every evening. - Membaca = (To) Reading
Ayah saya membaca Koran saat istirahat.
My dad read newspaper on his break time. - Sarapan = (To eat) Breakfast.
Saya jarang melewatkan sarapan di pagi hari.
I rarely skip to eat breakfast in the morning. - Makan siang = (To eat) Lunch
Ibu menyiapkan untuk makan siang.
Mom prepares to eat lunch - Makan malam = (To eat) Dinner
Kami sedang makan malam.
We are having dinner - Memasak = (To) Cook
Ibu kami sedang memasak makan malam.
Out mother is cooking - Mencuci = (To) Wash
Kami harus mencuci pakaian kami sendiri.
We have to wash our own clothes. - Tinggal = (To) Live In
Kami tinggal di sebuah rumah kecil yang terletak di pedesaan.
We live in a small house that is located in a village.
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2. Indonesian Verbs Used In School ConversationÂ
In this part, we provide some common and useful Indonesian verbs that can be applied at school.
Indonesian Verbs | Meaning |
Belajar | (To) Study |
Mengajar | (To) Teach |
Meminjam | (To) Borrow |
Meminjamkan | (To) Lend |
Menulis | (To) Write |
Bermain | (To) Play |
Mengobrol | (To) Talk |
Terlambat | (To) Late |
Membolos | (To) Skip class. |
Bertanya | (To) Ask. |
Menjawab | (To) Answer. |
Mengangkat tangan. | (To) Raise hand. |
Memahami | (To) Learn. |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Verbs in Sentences:
- Belajar = (To) Study
Kami belajar di kelas.
We are studying in the classroom. - Mengajar = (To) Teach
Guru kesukaan saya sedang mengajar.
My favorite teacher is teaching. - Meminjam = (To) Borrow.
Saya meminjam sebuah penghapus.
I borrow an eraser. - Meminjamkan = (To) Lend
Dia meminjamkan saya sebuah penghapus.
He lend me an eraser. - Menulis = (To) Write
Dia menulis di buku catatan saya.
He writes on my notebook. - Bermain = (To) Play
Kami bermain pada waktu istirahat.
We play on break time. - Mengobrol = (To) Talk
Kami tidak diizinkan mengobrol pada saat pelajaran.
We are not allowed to talk on the lecture. - Terlambat = (To) Late
Dia tidak pernah terlambat
She is never late. - Membolos = (To) Skip class
Dia tidak pernah membolosÂ
She never skips class. - Bertanya = (To) Ask
Guru kami bertanya kepada kami suatu pertanyaan yang sulit.
Our teacher asked us a very hard question. - Menjawab = (To) Answer
Dia menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan tepat.
He answered our teacher’s question correctly. - Mengangkat Tangan = (To) Raise hand
Semua murid harus mengangkat tangan sebelum menjawab pertanyaan.
All of the students have to raise hand before answering questions. - Memahami = (To) Learn
Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami matematika.
I am having a trouble in learning mathematics.
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3. Common Indonesian Verbs Used In Restaurant TalksÂ
In this part, we provide some common and useful Indonesian verbs that can be applied in at restaurant.
Indonesian Verbs | Meaning |
Makan | (To) Eat |
Minum | (To) Drink |
Memesan | (To) Order |
Membaca menu | (To) Read the menu |
Bertanya | (To) Ask |
Mengunyah | (To) Chew |
Menyajikan | (To) Serve |
Memasak | (To) Cook |
Menyeduh | (To) Brew |
Mengaduk | (To) Stir |
Menikmati | (To) Enjoy |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Verbs in Sentences:
- Makan = (To) Eat
Saya makan nasi dan ikan.
I eat rice and fish. - Minum = (To) Drink
Kami minum jus apel.
We are drinking apple juices. - Memesan = (To) Order.
Teman saya belum memesan apapun sejak tadi.
My friend has not ordered anything yet. - Membaca Menu = (To) Read the Menu
Saya belum bisa memutuskan apa yang saya inginkan sebelum saya membaca menu.
I could not decide what I want before I read the menu. - Bertanya = (To) Ask
Anda bisa bertanya kepada pelayan.
You can ask the waiter. - Mengunyah = (To) Chew
Adik saya kesulitan mengunyah
My brother is having a hard time to chew his food. - Menyajikan = (To) Serve
Pelayan tersebut menyajikan pesanan kami.
The waiter serve our orders. - Memasak = (To) Cook
Koki sedang memasak pesanan kami.
The cook is cooking our order. - Mengaduk = (To) Stir
Saya mengaduk teh saya sebelum meminumnya.
I stir my tea before I drink it. - Menyeduh = (To) Brew
Pelayan sedang menyeduh teh pesanan saya.
The waiter is brewing the tea that I ordered. - Menikmati = (To) Enjoy
Kami sungguh menikmati pelayanan di rumah makan ini.
We really do enjoy the service in this restaurant.
Baca Juga:
4. Common Indonesian Verbs Used In MarketÂ
In this part, we provide some common and useful Indonesian verbs that can be applied in at market.
Indonesian Verbs | Meaning |
Berbelanja | (To) Shop |
Membeli | (To) Buy |
Membayar | (To) Pay |
Memilih | (To) Choose |
Bertanya | (To) Ask |
Menyetujui | (To) Deal |
Mencari | (To) Search |
Melihat-lihat | (To) Window Shop |
Menawarkan | (To) Offer |
Menjual | (To) Sell |
Menawar | (To) Bid |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Verbs in Sentences:
- Berbelanja = (To) Shop
Ibu saya selalu berbelanja di hari Senin.
My mother always shops on Monday. - Membeli = (To) Buy
Kakak saya ingin membeli
My brother wants to buy vegetables. - Membayar = (To) Pay
Kita harus membayar dengan uang tunai di pasar tradisional.
We have to pay with cash in traditional market. - Memilih = (To) Choose
Dia memilih kemeja berwarna biru langit.
He choose shirt in sky blue color. - Bertanya = (To) Ask
Kita harus bertanya harga barang sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli barang tersebut.
We have to ask for product prices before deciding to buy that product. - Menyetujui = (To) Deal
Kita dapat membeli suatu barang setelah menyetujui harga yang ditawarkan - Mencari = (To) Search
Saya sedang mencari pakaian yang bagus sebagai hadiah ulang tahun.
I am searching for a nice clothes as a birthday present. - Melihat-lihat = (To) Window Shop
Karena tidak membawa uang tunai, saya hanya bisa melihat-lihat.
Since I don’t have cash, I can only window shopping. - Menawarkan = (To) Offer
Para penjual jajanan menawarkan dagangan mereka kepada kami.
The street food sellers are offering us their products. - Menjual = (To) Sell
Para penjual jajanan menjual berbagai makanan menarik.
The street food sellers are selling various interesting foods. - Menawar = (To) Bid
Saya tidak suka menawar ketika berbelanja.
I don’t like to bid when I am shopping.
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More Verbs in Indonesian to Learn
Here are more Indonesian Verbs you need to learn as a beginner:
- to accumulate: mengumpulkan, menghimpun
- to add: menambah
- to admit: mengakui
- to advance: mendahului, memajukan, mempercepat
- to allow: mengizinkan
- to answe: menjawab
- to apologize: meminta maaf
- to appear: kelihatan, tampak
- to appreciate; menghormati
- to approach; mendekati, menjelang
- to arise; bangun, berdiri
- to arrange; mengatur
- to arrest; menangkap, menahan
- to arrive; datang
- to ask; bertanya, meminta
- to assemble; memasang, berkumpul
- to assist; membantu, menolong
- to attempt; mencoba
- to attend; menghadiri
- to attract; menarik
- to bark; menggonggong
- to beat (hit); memukul
- to become alive; hidup
- to begin; mulai, memulai
- to believe; percaya, mempercayai
- to bend; menekuk, melipat, membengkokkan
- to bet; bertaruh, mengira
- to bind; terjepit
- to bind (book); menjilid
- to bind (wound; membalut
- to bloom; berkembang, berbunga
- to blow; meniup
- to boil; merebus
- to borrow; meminjam
- to break; memecahkan, mematahkan
- to breathe in men; hirup/menarik nafas
- to breathe out; mengeluarkan nafas
- to bring; membawa
- to build; membangun
- to burn; membakar
- to buy; membeli
- to call; memanggil
- to calm; menenangkan
- to care; mempedulikan
- to carry; membawa
- to carry on; mengadakan, meneruskan, melanjutkan
- to carve; mengukir, memotong
- to cause; mengakibatkan
- to celebrate; merayakan
- to certain; memastikan
- to change; mengganti, mengubah
- to cheat; mencontek
- to check; memeriksa, mengecek
- to chew; mengunyah
- to choke; mencekik
- to choose; memilih
- to chuck; mebuang, melemparkan
- to classify; mengklasifikasikan
- to clear; membersihkanto climb memanjat
- to close; menutup
- to collect; mengumpulkan
- to come; datang
- to commend; menghargai, memuji
- to compare; membandingkan
- to compete; berkompetisi
- to complete; melengkapi
- to conceal; menyembunyikan
- to congratulate; memberi selamat
- to connect; menghubungkan
- to consider; menyadari
- to consult; memperundingkan
- to love; cinta, mencintai
Here more ways to learn about Indonesian verbs and how to learn Verbs pattern in Bahasa:
So those are common and useful verbs that can be applied in your daily conversation. Not that hard, right? We thank you so much that you have joined us till this very end of this article. We are always trying to serve you the best guide to learn Indonesian language. We hope to see you again in our next update. Terima kasih! Sampai jumpa lagi!