Salam! Senang berjumpa lagi di Mastering Bahasa! We have taught you Indonesian Common Verbs. But do you have trouble to combine those verbs with nouns? Say no more worries, we will give you tons of useful nouns that you can use in your conversation! You can combine these nouns with verbs from our article, Indonesian Common Verbs.
In this article, we divide the nouns based in where you can find the items. By so, you won’t having any trouble to find those items are! Without further ado, let’s begin the article!
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Common Noun in Bahasa in Restaurant
When you are eating, whether you are eating in your own apartment, or hanging out with your friends in an authentic Indonesian restaurant, you probably found this nouns:
Indonesian nouns | Meaning |
Makanan | Food |
Minuman | Drink |
Sendok | Spoon |
Garpu | Fork |
Piring | Plate |
Meja Makan | Dining Table |
Gelas | Glass |
Cangkir | Cup |
Pisau | Knife |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Nouns in Sentences:
- Makanan = Food
Rumah Makan itu menyediakan berbagai makanan yang lezat.
That restaurant serves various delicious foods. - Minuman = Drink
Saya ingin mengunjungi tempat wisata yang menyediakan minuman
I want to visit attractive destination that provide fresh drinks. - Sendok = Spoon
Rumah makan ompu itu menyajikan makanan dengan sendok
That antique restaurant serves foods with wooden spoon. - Garpu = Fork
Spageti dimakan dengan menggunakan garpu.
Spaghetti is eaten with fork. - Piring = Plate
Di Indonesia, banyak makanan tidak disajikan menggunakan piring, namun daun pisang.
In Indonesia, many foods aren’t served with plate, but banana leafs. - Meja Makan = Dining table
Hampir semua rumah makan menyediakan meja makan untuk pelanggannya makan.
Almost every restaurant have dining table for the customers to eat. - Gelas = Glass
Saya meminum jus apel menggunakan gelas
I drink apple juice with plastic glass. - Cangkir = Cup
Ibu menyajikan teh dengan cangkir.
Mother serves tea with cups. - Pisau = Knife
Stik harus dipotong menggunakan pisau.
Steak has to be chopped with a knife.
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2. Common Noun in Bahasa in School
Probably some of you are transferred students. Then this list of verbs will be a good help you through your daily basis at school!
Indonesian Common Nouns | Meaning |
Meja | Desk |
Pensil | Pencil |
Pulpen | Pen |
Spidol | Marker |
Stabilo | Highlighter |
Kertas | Paper |
Papan Tulis | Whiteboard/Blackboard |
Kapur | Chalk |
Penggaris | Ruler |
Gunting | Scissor |
Penserut | Sharpener |
Penghapus | Eraser |
Komputer | Computer |
Seragam | Uniform |
Kotak Bekal | Lunch Box |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Nouns in Sentences:
- Meja = Desk
Setiap murid memiliki sebuah meja untuk digunakan di ruang kelas.
Each student has a desk to use in their classroom. - Pensil = Pencil
Kami diharuskan untuk menghitamkan lingkaran dengan pensil
We are obliged to blackened circles with 2B pencil. - Pulpen = Pen
Dimulai dari kelas 1 SMP, setiap murid menggunakan pulpen untuk menulis.
Starting from 1st year of middle school, every student has to use pen to write. - Spidol = Marker
Para guru di sekolah swasta menggunakan spidol untuk menulis bahan pelajaran.
All of teachers in state school use marker to write study materials. - Stabilo = Highlighter
Banyak murid menggunakan stabilo untuk membantu memahami pelajaran.
A lot of students use highlighter to help them understanding materials. - Kertas = Paper
Kami harus mengumpulkan tugas menulis di atas kertas berukuran A4.
We have to collect our writing task in A4-sized paper. - Papan Tulis = Whiteboard / Blackboard
Banyak sekolah tidak lagi menggunakan papan tulis untuk menerangkan bahan pelajaran.
Many schools are not using whiteboard to explain studying materials. - Kapur = Chalk
Beberapa sekolah negeri masih menggunakan kapur untuk menulis di papan tulis.
Some of public schools still use chalk to write on blackboard. - Penggaris = Ruler
Pelajaran Matematika mengharuskan kami untuk membawa penggaris setiap hari.
Mathematic study oblige us to bring ruler every day. - Gunting = Scissor
Murid-murid menggunakan gunting dalam pelajaran kerajinan.
Students are using scissors in crafting study. - Penserut = Sharpener
Saya meminjamkan penserut saya agar teman saya dapat mengerjakan ujiannya dengan pensil yang tajam.
I lend my sharpener so my friend can do his exam with a sharpened pencil. - Penghapus = Eraser
Saya menyukai penghapus yang memiliki harum buah-buahan.
I like erasers that have fruit fragrance. - Komputer = Computer
Banyak sekolah swasta menyediakan komputer untuk murid-muridnya belajar sehari-hari.
Many state schools provide computer for the students to study daily. - Seragam = Uniform
Seragam digunakan sekolah-sekolah untuk menyamarkan latar belakang semua murid.
Uniforms are used by schools to blur every students’ background. - Kotak Bekal = Lunch Box
Untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah di lingkungan sekolah, kepala sekolah mewajibkan para siswa untuk membawa kotak bekal dari rumah.
To reduce the volume of thrash in school environment, the headmaster oblige all of the students to bring lunch box from home.
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3. Common Noun in Bahasa of Household
If you are cooking, you probably find these things. Instead to get a miscommunication with your friends, you may want to study Indonesian nouns that you will find in any kitchen.
Indonesian Common Nouns | Meaning |
Piring | Plate |
Garpu | Fork |
Kompor | Stove |
Panci | Wok |
Pisau | Knive |
Ketel | Kettle |
Spatula | Spatula |
Mikser | Mixer |
Oven | Oven |
Baskom | Basin |
Talenan | Chopping Board |
Botol | Bottle |
Pembuka kaleng | Can Opener |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Nouns in Sentences:
- Piring = Plate
Saya berharap saya memiliki piring emas untuk menjamu tamu.
I wish I have golden plate to serve the visitor. - Garpu = Fork
Saya menyaring spageti dengan bantuan garpu.
I drain spaghetti with a help of fork. - Kompor = Stove
Sudah tidak ada kompor yang menggunakan minyak tanah lagi.
There is no more stove that uses kerosene. - Panci = Wok
Banyak masakan khas Indonesia yang dimasak menggunakan panci.
Many authentic Indonesian foods are cooked with wok. - Pisau = Knife
Saya memerlukan pisau untuk memotong kentang.
I need knife to cut potato. - Ketel = Kettle
Ibu menuang air panas dari ketel
Mother is pouring hot water from kettle. - Spatula = Spatula
Ibu mengaduk tumisan kangkung menggunakan spatula.
Mother is stirring sauted watercress using spatula. - Mikser = Mixer
Kami mengaduk adonan menggunakan mikser.
We stir dough using mixer. - Oven = Oven
Kemudian kami memanggang adonan tersebut di dalam oven.
Then we bake the dough into oven. - Baskom = Basin
Baskom sering digunakan untuk mencuci sayur-sayuran.
Basin is frequently used to wash vegetables. - Talenan = Chopping Board
Kami harus membeli talenan baru.
We have to buy new chopping board. - Botol = Bottle
Ibu menuang kecap dari botol ke dalam nasi goreng.
Mother is pouring soy sauce from the bottle into fried rice. - Pembuka Kaleng = Can Opener
Saya membutuhkan pembuka kaleng agar bisa menikmati susu kental manis ini.
I need a can opener so I can enjoy this sweet condensed milk.
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4. Common Noun in Bahasa in Office
Some offices have these things in its rooms. Here is a guide for you to understand nouns:
Indonesian Common Nouns | Meaning |
Komputer | Computer |
Mesin ketik | Typewriter |
Telepon | Telephone |
Mesin Faks | Fax machine |
Meja | Desk |
Kursi | Chair |
Buku | Book |
Pulpen | Pen |
Koran | Newspaper |
Proyektor | Projector |
Kertas | Paper |
Berkas | File |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Nouns in Sentences:
- Komputer = Computer
Semua perusahaan kini menggunakan komputer untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.
All recent companies use computer to finish their tasks. - Mesin Ketik = Typewriter
Sudah tidak ada perusahaan yang menggunakan mesin ketik untuk mengerjakan sesuatu.
There is no company that use typewriter to do anything. - Telepon = Telephone
Perusahaan-perusahaan yang berjauhan dapat saling menghubungi dengan telepon.
Distant companies can communicate each other with telephone. - Mesin Faks = Fax machine
Karyawan yang terlambat menyerahkan tugas dapat mengirim tugasnya menggunakan mesin faks.
Employees that are late to hand their job can send them with fax machine. - Meja = Desk
Karyawan tidak diperkenankan untuk duduk di atas meja.
Employees are not allowed to sit on the desk. - Kursi = Chair
Perusahaan mengganti semua kursi dengan yang lebih nyaman.
Company changes all of chairs with more comfortable ones. - Buku = Book
Semua pemasukan dan pengeluaran perusahan harus ditulis dalam buku catatan keuangan.
Every company’s income and outcome has to be recorded into financial memo book. - Pulpen = Pen
Presiden direktur selalu menandatangani segala perjanjian dengan pulpen bertinta biru.
The director president always signs every kind of agreement with blue-tinted pen. - Koran = Newspaper
Manajer keuangan selalu mengawali pekerjaannya dengan membaca koran yang membahas saham.
The Finance Manager always starts his day by reading newspaper which discuss about stock market. - Proyektor = Projector
Para calon manajer mempresentasikan proyek mereka menggunakan proyektor.
All of manager candidates present their project using a projector. - Kertas = Paper
Suatu hari, ruang berkas kehabisan kertas sehingga semua pekerjaan terhambat.
One day, the file room is out of paper, so all of tasks are resisted.
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5. Common Noun in Bahasa of Bathroom Equipment
These are items you may found in your bathroom:
Indonesian Nouns | Meaning |
Sampo | Shampoo |
Sabun | Soap |
Sikat gigi | Toothbrush |
Pasta gigi | Toothpaste |
Lulur | Body Scrub |
Kondisioner | Conditioner |
Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Nouns in Sentences:
- Sampo = Shampoo
Sesudah berenang, saya membersihkan rambut dengan sampo.
After swimming, I clean my hair with shampoo. - Sabun = Soap
Saya selalu menggunakan sabun dengan wangi bunga-bunga.
I always use soaps with flower fragrance. - Sikat gigi = Toothbrush
Saya selalu mengganti sikat gigi saya setiap tiga bulan.
I always replace my toothbrush every three months. - Pasta gigi = Toothpaste
Para dokter menganjurkan saya untuk menggunakan pasta gigi yang mengandung fluoride.
Dentists sugest me to use toothpaste which contains fluoride. - Lulur = Body Scrub
Kakak saya menyimpan lulur untuk dipakai pada akhir minggu.
My sister keeps body scrubs to be used on weekends. - Kondisioner = Conditioner
Saya jarang menggunakan kondisioner setelah keramas.
I rarely use conditioner after washing my hair.
Well, here is the video of to learn better about Indonesian Nouns with how to pronounce it:
So those are nouns that are useful in your daily conversation. Is it too many? Sadly, no! There are still tons of Indonesian nouns that we will teach you later. So stay tune in Mastering Bahasa! Terima kasih!