
What Is “Anjay” Meaning in Indonesia – Phrase – Example

If you hear young people in Indonesia nowadays, you can often hear the word “anjay”. You can also find this word if you see Indonesian short comics on social media such as twitter or Instagram. There is even also an Indonesian song that titled “anjay”. You will find some difficulty in finding this word on Indonesian formal dictionary. This is because this word is not a formal word. It is a list of Indonesian slang that is often used by young Indonesian people nowadays.

It is actually unknown about who is the first people to use anjay, or who is the one who popularize this word. One thing is certain about this word. This is a very informal slang that you can never use it in a formal occasion because it will be very impolite. You can also avoid using this word when talking to strangers. You can only use this word when talking with someone that you already know or someone you are very close with. Even you should avoid using this word to older people or your parents.

It’s not hard to pronounce anjay. An is pronounced similar with an in “anesthetic”. Whereas “ay” in jay is pronounced similar with I.

Anjay equal to:

  • dog
  • sh#t
  • damn
  • f#ck

According to several people, the word anjay can be used in three occasion based on its meaning:

1. Anjay as a cute form of Indonesian cuss or harsh word “anjing”

Indonesian using the word “anjing” that is also can mean “dog” to cuss someone. It is a Indonesian bad word. As the word is too harsh, sometimes people use the cute form “anjir” or “anjay”. This word is believed to me less harsh than anjing and can be used in conversation between close friends. This word can be used in everyday conversation as a joke or satire.

Below is the example of its use in conversation between same age friends:

A : Bro, tadi gue lihat mantan lo di kafe.

Bro, I just saw you ex girl-friend in a cafe.

B : Anjay lu. Ngapain ngasih tau gue.

Anjay. Why are you telling me that.

2. Anjay as an abbreviation from “anjing alay”

What is anjay meaning in Indonesian? There are also several people that believe anjay is an abbreviation from anjing alay. Alay can be interpreted as something cheesy, often associated with something that young people from countryside do. Anjing is actually means “dog”, but also often be used as cuss word. However, when anjing alay is abbreviated as anjay, it means a joke word that is used between close friends.

Below is the example of its use in daily conversation between friends:

A : Bro, kita jadi ketemuan gak?

Bro, we should meet now, right?

B : Jadi, gue otw.

Yes, I’m on the way.

A : Anjay, gue udah sampe duluan.

Anjay, I already arrived.

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3. Anjay as a word to express admiration or amazement

Anjay is also the word that can be used to express admiration or amazement. Actually, anjay is most often used for this purpose. When people see beautiful scenery, good looking people, or admire achievement by other people, this word can be used to express the admiration.

Below are the examples:

  • Anjay, gedung itu tinggi banget.

Anjay, that building is very tall.

  • Anjay, cewe itu cantik banget.

Anjay, that girl is really pretty.

  • Anjay, lo hebat banget.

Anjay, you are very great.

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That’s all about anjay meaning in Indonesian. Thank you for reading.