
Learn Indonesian Verb ‘To Be’ with The Expert

Salam jumpa! Glad to see you here! If you are new here, welcome to MasteringBahasa! One of but the best site that teach travellers like you how to master Bahasa Indonesia in days for conversation purpose! Speaking of “conversation”, you probably want to check Indonesian Conversation Phrases. You can also check our article Travelling Phrases to see useful phrases! In this article, we are going to teach you about Indonesia Verbs that including To Be!

Before talking about “to be”, it means we have to discuss about verbs, don’t you think? Kindly check our explanation in one of our article Indonesian Common Verbs. Jumped from that article of verbs, then you can check Indonesian Common Phrases and Sentences. What can we conclude from there? In Indonesian, there is no any kind of tenses form. Unlike English tenses which shape its tenses into various tenses. Like Present Tenses, Progressive Tenses, Past tenses, Simple tenses, and so on which are 16 tenses form in total. Each tenses urges you to master the usage of to be and verb forms. Although Indonesian sentences does not contains any kind of form tenses, and there is no such “to be” in Indonesian language, but there are some verbs that equals to “to be” in English languages. What are they? Let’s check them out right here and right now!

Before moving to Indonesian “to be”, we have to know that “to be” in English include is, am, are, was, were, and that. Then, the equals in Indonesian verb to be are:

Indonesians “to be”[/th][th]Equals to

adalah[/td][td]is, am, are, was, were

yang[/td][td]who, that

yang adalah[/td][td] that + is, am, are, was, were

-lah (suffix)[/td][td]is, am, are, was, were + the one


Wait, that is it? THAT IS IT? It is for real! Those are “to be” verbs if you want to say something that is in present. That is why we say Indonesian language is so easy! We even have mentioned it over and over that Indonesian language is so easy! So you won’t get trouble for mastering it, do you think?

Go check Indonesian Grammar Structures to learn Indonesian language in days!

  • adalah
    Saya adalah seorang gadis.
    (I am a girl)
    Kami adalah para pelajar.
    (We are students.)
    Bapak kami adalah direktur dari perusahaan tambang swasta.
    (Our father is a director of a state mining company.)
  • yang
    Pria yang mengaku sebagai sepupu saya sekarang tinggal di rumah keluarga saya.
    (The man who claims himself as my cousin stays in my family house now.)
    Penjual air nira yang sudah berumur 60 tahun itu sudah pulang karena dagangannya laris.
    (The nira water seller who is 60 years old has came back home since his selling was a success.)
    Bagi siswa yang sudah menyelesaikan ujian diperbolehkan untuk pulang terlebih dahulu.
    (Students that had finished the exam may go home first.)
  • yang adalah
    Pamanku yang adalah seorang kapten dalam sebuah pelayaran memperbolehkan aku dan adikku untuk duduk di kabin kru.
    (My uncle who is a captain of a voyage lets me and my brother to sit in the crew cabin.)
    Kepala sekolah yang juga adalah ketua yayasan pendidikan di Bandung adalah contoh pemimpin yang sangat ramah.
    (Our headmaster who is also the Education Organisation’s leader in Bandung is a type of a friendly leader.)
    Anjing herder itu yang adalah anjing peliharaanku telah menangkap aling malam kemarin.
    (The herder dog which is my dog had caught burglar last night.)
  • -lah (Suffix)
    Tantekulah yang membiayai uang sekolah semua keponakannya.
    (My aunt is the one who pays for all her nephews’s school tuition.)
    Akulah si perempuan yang telah membersihkan semua toilet sekolah.
    (I am the girl who had cleaner all school’s toilets.)
    Sepertinya dialah yang menendang tembok dan meninggalkan jejak sepatu disana.
    (I think he is the one who kicked the wall and left a shoe print there.) 
  • tersebut
    Pria tersebut telah bekerja di pabrik pembuatan siomay itu selama lima tahun lamanya.
    (That man had worked in a siomay maker company for five years long.)
    Pria dan wanita tersebut sudah berpacaran selama tujuh tahun namun belum menikah hingga sekarang.
    (That man and woman have been dating for seven years but they have not married until now.)
    Gadis tersebut tidak makan dari pagi hingga sore ini.
    (That girl has not ate from the morning until this afternoon)
    *You can check how to tell time from this article of How to Tell Time in Indonesian.

Those are some Indonesian verb to be. But that is not enough. Those verbs are useful if you want to say something in present. Although we had said that there is no any kind of tenses form, but something that had been done or will be done still exist in Indonesian. But we still will say that Indonesian language is much easier than English. If you look closely from the examples above, any kind of subjects have the same “to be”.

Unlike English tenses that each pronouns have their own “to be” verbs, Indonesian pronouns does not require any special form for them. You can see Indonesian Pronouns to learn about pronouns. And below is a list of “to be” verbs that mention for time about past and future.

Indonesian verb “to be”[/th] [th]Equals to

For Mentioning Something in the Past[/th] [th]

Telah[/td] [td]Had

Sudah[/td] [td]Had

For Mentioning Something in the Future[/th] [th]

Akan[/td] [td]Will

Ingin[/td] [td]Want

Mau[/td] [td]Want

Here are examples of the Indonesian verb “to be” examples!

  • Telah
    Kami telah menyelesaikan tugas kelompok kimia ini.
    (We have finished our chemistry group work.)
    Nicholas dan Evan telah menyusun buku-buku di perpustakaan sesuai abjad.
    (Nicholas and Evan had sort the books in the library based on its alphabet.)
    Ahmad mengaku telah merusak pintu mobil pak Guru.
    (Ahmad claims have broke teacher’s car’s door.)
  • Sudah
    Mirna mengaku sudah mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah sebelum pergi ke rumah temannya.
    (Mirna claims had finished her homework before go to her friend’s house.)
    Hana dan Hani sudah mencuci pakaian mereka.
    (Hana and Hani have washed their clothes.)
    Aku yakin sudah mengunci pintu rumah sebelum berangkat ke sekolah.
    (I am sure that I have locked my house’s door before going to school.)
  • Akan
    Ayah berjanji akan membelikan nasi goreng kambing apabila sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan kantornya.
    (My dad promised will buy goat fried rice once he had done his works.)
    Chika akan berangkat untuk camping pada waktu subuh.
    (Chika will go for camping at dawn.)
    Kakakku akan menyatakan cinta kepada gadis yang disukainya besok siang.
    (My brother will tells his feeling to a girl that he likes tomorrow afternoon.)
  • Ingin
    Kawan-kawanku bilang ingin mengadakan pesta perpisahan dengan guru kami yang akan pensiun.
    (My friends said that they want to have a farewell party with our retiring teacher.)
    Lisa berencana untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas karena dia ingin menjadi seorang guru.
    (Lisa plans to continue her study to university since she wants to be a teacher.)
    Sepupuku yang ingin berangkat ke Inggris untuk liburan mulai menabung sejak kemarin.
    (My cousin who wants to go to England for vacation had started to save his money since yesterday.)
  • Mau
    Ibu dan ayah mau pergi makan malam ke restoran Italia malam ini.
    (Mother and father want to have dinner in Italian restaurant tonight.)
    Adikku mau membeli jus mangga sepulang sekolah.
    (My sister wants to buy mango juice after school.)
    Karena nenekku hanya mau memakan bubur, aku harus belajar bagaimana memasak bubur.
    (Because my grandmother only wants to eat porridge, I have to learn how to cook porridge.)

See? Even when you want to mention something that is in the past, present, and future, the verbs are not changing unlike English verbs. You can learn Indonesian Verbs and How to Tell Time in Indonesian that are useful in these sentences.

Indonesian Conversation Example

Now we are going to discuss, how to use them in Conversation Examples. Let’s start!

Situation: Ningsih and Tari talked about homework and vacation in the class.

  • Ningsih: Selamat pagi Tari! (Good morning, Tari!)
  • Tari: Selamat pagi, Ningsih! (Good morning, Ningsih!)
  • Ningsih: Kamu sudah mengerjakan PR Sejarah? (Have you done History homework?)
  • Tari: Aku sudah mengerjakannya. Kamu mau melihatnya? (I had done it. Do you want to see them?)
  • Ningsih: Tidak, terima kasih. Aku sudah mengerjakannya. (No, thank you. I had done it.) Apakah kamu akan berangkat ke Jogja untuk liburan? (Will you go to Jogja for vacation?)
  • Tari: Iya. Ayahku yang bilang bahwa ia sudah membeli tiket kereta api untuk perjalanan ke Jogja. (Yes. My father who said that he already he had bought train tickets for the trip to Jogja.)
  • Ningsih: Kapan kalian akan pergi? (When will you go?)
  • Tari: In the night before Christmas. (Sebelum malam Natal.)
    Tari: Bagaimana denganmu? (How about you?)
  • Ningsih: Aku sekeluarga akan tetap di Bandung. Ibuku tidak mendapat cuti karena beliau bekerja sebagai perawat di rumah sakit umum. (Me and my family will stay in Bandung. My mom does not have days off since she worked as nurse in a public hospital.)
  • Tari: Sungguh menyedihkan! (That is so sad!)
  • Ningsih: Tidak apa-apa, itu resiko pekerjaan. (It is okay. That is job risk.)

So those are Indonesian version of “to be”! Not that difficult no? Stay tune in MasteringBahasa for more useful articles that will help you to speak in Indonesian language perfectly! Terima kasih! Sampai jumpa lagi!