Culture and Tradition

How Good Are Indonesians in Speaking English, Their Accent and Fluency?

In the previous article [Read: Is English Widely Spoken in Bali?], we have described about English in Bali. From the article, we know that Bali is Indonesia’s province with the highest English skill level beating Jakarta Capital Region, Yogyakarta Special Region, and East Java. Yet, still not all Balinese speak English. In this article we […]


Is English Widely Spoken in Bali? What Language Is Spoken in Bali?

Indonesia is not an English speaking country. Bahasa Indonesia is the official language and there are more than 700 local languages spoken by 300 more ethnic groups throughout the country. However, it does not mean that English is not taught in school. Indonesian students learn English since they are in primary school. Kindergartens nowadays even […]


What Are Bahasa Indonesia Books and Films Would You Recommend to Someone Learning the Language?

In the previous articles, we have already described about what are some fun topics and books for learning Bahasa Indonesia. Please refer to our previous article. In today’s article we would like to take you into books and film. Books or films is undoubtedly fun way to learn Bahasa Indonesia for beginners. What are the best books and films to learn Bahasa […]


What Are Some Fun Topics and Books for Learning Indonesian?

Practice makes perfect. Yes, we heard enough about this phrase since we were child. In learning foreign languages, there are four skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking) that we need to master. After mastering grammar, you can surely demonstrate your ability in reading and writing. However, speaking is different thing. One needs daily practices in […]


What Are Some Great Books for Learning Bahasa Indonesia Formally and Professionally?

There are many ways to learn foreign languages. Some people may feel comfortable to learn through games or movies, but some feel easier to understand the lessons from books. Learning through movies or games will sharpen your listening as well as reading comprehension. [Also read: Fun Ways to Learn Bahasa Indonesia for Foreigners]. However, to […]