Hi there ! How are you today? Hope you have a great day
Learning Bahasa Indonesia is very important for you who has a plan to visit Indonesia. Why is it being so important? Indonesian language is the nationality language of Indonesia.
It is being used all over the country. When you’re travelling into Indonesia, it is common that you will come into a situation when you involved in a conversation with local people but they could not understand what you were saying, or it is you who can not understand them.
Actually it is quite easy to learn Bahasa Indonesia, it is beacuse Bahasa Indonesia has the pronounciation same with the alphabet, for example the alphabet /o/ then open your mouth and make the sound of /o/.
How to say “Im hungry in Bahasa Indonesia”
Now lets focus on the title, about how to say im hungry in Bahasa Indonesia. The phrase “I am hungry” consist of two words:
- I am
- Hungry
If those two words being translated into Bahasa Indonesia, it will means:
- I am : Aku
How to pronounce Aku: A-ku
- Hungry: Lapar
How to pronounce Lapar: La-par
Definition of hungry according to the dictionary
So, the phrase “I’m hungry” used to express that you were feeling hungry, you want/need something to eat. According to KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) “lapar” means merasa ingin makan. If we look at The Cambridge Dictionary, hungry itself has two meanings:
- Hungry (adjective) wanting or needing food
- Hungry (adjective) having a strong wish or desire something
Compared to the The Cambridge Dictionary, hungry itself has the same definition with lapar in Bahasa Indonesia.
The example of informal situation are:
- When you were hanging out with your friend, its already passed the lunch time and you were feeling hungry because have not eat anything yet you could simply express your feeling just by saying:
- Hey, sudah jam 2 siang nih, aku lapar kita belum makan siang dari tadi kita mulai pergi. (Hey, its already two pm, i’m hungry because we have not eat anything since we started going off).
Read more: Baper meaning in Indonesian - You were feeling hungry, and you need a friend to accompany you having dinner:
- A: Halo, Winda kamu dimana? (Hello, Winda where are you now?)
- B: Halo, Julie aku sedang di rumah sekarang. (Hello, Julie i were at home right now)
- A: Apakah kamu sudah makan malam? (Have you got your dinner?)
- B: Belum, kenapa Julie? (Not yet, why is that Julie?)
- A: Aku lapar, mau kah kamu menemani ku makan malam? (I’m hungry, would you like accompany me having a dinner?
Read more: Indonesian dirty words
The formal situation here’s the example:
- You were in the midle of a meeting, you feel hungry because you passed your breakfast
- A: Sampai jam berapa meeting akan berlangsung? (what time the meeting will be over)
- B: kemungkinan sampai jam 4 sore. (It might be until 4pm)
- A: Apakah nanti kita akan break untuk makan siang? (Will we have a break on lunch time)
- B: Ya tentu saja, kita mendapat fasilitas coffee break dan makan siang, memangnya kenapa? (Yes, of course. We will get the coffee break and lunch fasilities, why is that?)
- A: Aku sangat lapar sekarang, tadi pagi aku belum sarapan. (I’m very hungry. I passed my breakfast today)
Read more: Indonesian simple phrases
Actually there is no changing word in speaking “aku lapar” either in formal or informal situation. What makes them difference is the way to express the feeling that you were hungry and need something to eat, in formal situation you need to do a little bit chit chat with your opponents in order to make the expression more polite.
Hopefully this article were easy to understand and provide knowledge on your learning process of Bahasa Indonesia. See you later !
Also, don’t forget to check our article about Indonesian pronunciation guide.