
Indonesian Sayings about Family with English Translation

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Do you know that Indonesian has a proverb called ‘Makan gak makan yang penting ngumpul’ (Dinner or not, the most important thing is to gather) which means ‘we should have family time despite our busy activities’ (Check Indonesian Expressions for Foreigners). On the other words, similar to other Asian countries, Indonesia sees family is very essential part of human life, they really respect the elder. Therefore, at this opportunity, we would talk about Indonesian Sayings about Family.

Indonesian Vocabulary about Family

First, let’s talk some vocabulary you should know about family. Here are the list of Indonesian Sayings about Family.

  • keluarga = family
  • keluraga inti = core family
  • keluarga besar = extended family
  • orangtua = parent(s)
  • ayah = father
    *bapak, papa, papi, abi,
  • ibu = mother
    *bunda, mama, mami, ummi
  • anak = child(ren)
  • anak laki-laki = son
  • anak perempuan = daughter
  • putra (from Sanskrit) = son
  • putri (from Sanskrit) = daughter
  • (anak) sulung = oldest child
  • anak tengah = middle child
  • (anak) bungsu = youngest child
  • saudara (kandung) = sibling(s)
  • kakak = older sibling
  • adik = younger sibling
  • kakak laki-laki = older brother
  • kakak perempuan = older sister
  • adik laki-laki = younger brother
  • adik perempuan younger sister

Notes: In Bahasa Indonesia, there is no gender-related words for siblings, but because Indonesia consists many local languages, there are several words that refer to certain sex.
e.g. Javanese (Mas – older brother), Mbak (older sister). Others includes akang (older brother), aa (older brother)

  • paman = uncle
  • bibi = aunt
  • kakek = grandfather
  • nenek = grandmother
  • buyut = great-grandparents
  • kakek buyut = great-grandfather
  • nenek buyut = great-grondmother
  • cucu = grandchild(ren)
  • cucu laki-laki = grandson
  • cucu perempuan = granddaughter
  • cicit = great-great-grandchildren
  • canggah = great-great-great-grandchildren
  • sepupu = cousin
  • keponakan = nephew (male), niece (female)
  • keponakan laki-laki = nephew
  • keponakan perempuan = niece
  • anak tiri = stepchild
  • ayah tiri = stepfather
  • ibu tiri = stepmother
  • saudara tiri = stepsibling (stepbrother, stepmother)
  • ipar = in-law
  • mertua = parents in-law
  • ayah mertua = father in-law
  • ibu mertua = mother in-law
  • saudara ipar = sibling in-law
  • kakak ipar = (older) brother/sister in-law
  • adik ipar = (younger) brother/sister in-law
  • besan = in-law
    *e.g. You married a woman. Therefore, your parents are your wife parents’s ‘besan’
  • anak angkat = adopted child
  • orangtua asuh = foster parents 

Local one

Beside Bahasa Indonesia, in Indonesia, there are several ways about Indonesian sayings about family. It is also important because many Indonesians do not (only) speak Bahasa Indonesia as their mother tongue. Here are several common phrases that are influenced by other languages. Take a look of these following examples related to family.

  • le (Javanese) = son
  • nduk (Javanese) = daughter
  • eyang, mbah (Javanese) = grandparent(s)
  • mbah kakung (Javanese) = grandpa
  • mbah putri (Javanese) = grandma
  • bu’le, tante (from Dutch) = aunt
  • pa’le, om (from Dutch) = uncle
  • opa (from Dutch) = grandfather
  • oma (from Dutch) = grandmother

Read also: Indonesian Words Derived from Dutch

Indonesian Additional Notes

In Bahasa Indonesia, there are some to that use some terms about family. However, take a look of these following examples.

  • nenek moyang
    *it does not means nenek (grandmother) or female. Nenek moyang stands for ancestors (in ancient time), no matter they were male or female. If you want to understand check the song ‘Nenek Moyangku Seorang Pelaut’ (My Ancestars Are Sailors)
  • anak mami
    *it does not means anak (child) and mami (mom) = mom’s child. The terms is refer to spoiled behavior or a child that has been spoiled by his/her parents (especially his/her mom)
  • anak semata wayang
    *it means the only child because wayang (Indonesian puppet) only has one eye.
  • buah hati
    *it does not mean buah (fruit) + hati (heart) = heart fruit. Buah hati is an idiomatic phrase for child(ren)

Read also: Indonesian Idioms and Proverbs

Indonesian Proverbs about Family

Another Indonesian Sayings about Family could be found in Proverbs. Here are several examples of it!

  • Kacang lupa kulitnya (The nut forgets it nutshell)
    It means someone that forget it roots (where he/she came from, who helped them before and so on)
  • Bagai pinang dibelah dua (Like a tree divided into two [same size]
    It means very similar (physically or behavior)
    *e.g. Ia dan ayahnya bagai pinang dibelah dua (He and his father is very similar)
  • tercubit paha kiri, paha kanan pun terasa sakit (pinched on the left thigh, the right one also feels the pain)
    If one member of family suffer anything, all also feel the pain
  • berbuat jahat jangan sekali, terbawa cemar segala ahli (Don’t do hostile, all would be contaminated)
    It means one bad things would cause defamation to all family

Those are the common Indonesian Sayings about Family. But, it could be different depends on the geography and their local languages. What about your country sayings about family? Here are other useful articles that might help you. Take a look!