Indonesian is truly a unique language. Did you know that Indonesian words in Minions? You might have learned some basic Indonesian vocabulary and Indonesian conversation examples but as you progress in your learning, you might find many odd phrases in Indonesian that might sound weird if you translate them literally into your native language such as English.
Funny Indonesian Translations
There are also some famous Indonesian phrases and Indonesian words that rhymes you might encounter. Just like idioms, these Indonesian words are actually metaphors with a whole different meaning than their literal meaning.
Here’s a list of funny Indonesian translations of these phrases!
- angkat tangan (raise hand): surrender
- buah tangan (hand fruit) : gifts
- buah bibir (lips fruit) : byword
- anak emas (golden child) : the favorite child
- angkat topi (raise hat) : respect (give the salute/respect)
- cacing kepanasan (worm feeling hot) : used to describe a person who cannot be still/quiet
- cinta buta: (blind love) : crazy in love
- hidung belang (stripes nose): lady killer
- adu domba : pit against pitte (provoke)
- makan garam (eating salt) : used to describe a person who has had many experiences in life, a senior
- Cari muka (looking face) – trying to look good
- Cuci mata (wash eyes) – window shopping/taking in another view
- anak buah – (fruit child) – Subordinate
- anak bawang -(onion child) – the odd one out/the one whose picked last.
- tangan panjang – (long arm/hand) – thief
- jalan tikus – (rat road) – similar to the English rat run meaning short cut.
- cuci tangan (wash off hands) = try to escape from something by cleaning up evidence
- angkat kaki (lift foot) = to leave
- ringan tangan (light hand) = love to help, in sinister way: quick at raising hands & beating up somebody
- jago merah (red roaster) = big fire/flame (often used in fire disaster)
- main api (play with fire) = do something risky
- buang muka (throw face away) = to look away, to avert or ignore in purpose
- buah hati (fruit of heart) = beloved child
- bintang lapangan (star in the field) = the MVP
- gulung tikar (to roll the mat) = go bankrupt
- pindah tangan (move hands) = transition of authority (for belongings, possession of things)
- darah biru (blue blood) = aristocrat
- darah dingin (cold blooded) = cold blooded
- tangan besi (iron hand) = dictactor
- lintah darat (leech) = similar to loan shark?
- naik daun (going up leaf) = becoming popular
- meja hijau (green table) = the court (law)
- banting tulang (throw bones) = work hard
- kepala dingin (cold head), to think with “kepala dingin” is to think clearly not just based on emotion.
- “mendinginkan kepala” is to cool off
- unjuk gigi (showing tooth) = bare fangs, to demonstrate your skill
- unjuk rasa (utter the feelings) = demonstrationÂ
- gigit jari (biting finger) = to feel dissapointed
- kelinci percobaan = guinea pig, lab rat (metaphor)
- tangan hijau = green finger
- bunga desa (flower in the village) = the most beautiful girl in a village
- besar kepala (big head) = arrogant
- besar mulut = big mouth / blabber mouth
- mata hati, to use “mata hati” is to use your heart/conscience
- kebakaran jenggot (having one’s beard on fire) = to lose patience
- kutu buku = book worm
- kutu loncat (jumping flea) = a fickle person, a term used for people love changing jobs.
- muka dua = two faced
- gede rasa – big headed or overly confident often shorten to GR in Indonesian slang
- cinta monyet – (monkey love) – puppy love /childish crush.
- main mata – (playing eyes) – flirtingÂ
- anak pasaran – (market child) – common/ commoner
- bau tanah – (smells of dirt/soil) – nearing death / one foot in the grave, used to describe a really old person
- tertangkap tangan basah – (caught wet handed) – caught red handed
- pas foto – to get to first base eg to kiss as the head being the only thing you can see in a passport photo.
- Otak udang (shrimp brain) = Stupid If you ever peeled a shrimp that still has its head on, you know that the
- head is full of its poo.
- Kambing hitam (black goat) = Scapegoat
- Muka tembok (wall face) = Thick skinned, shameless
- Cuci mulut (wash mouth) = Desert
- Kaki tangan (leg arm) = Staff, assistants, minions, henchmen
- tuan rumah (house master) = a host.
- kupu-kupu malam (night butterfly) = prostitute
- angkat jempol (to raise thumbs) = admit somebody’s greatness
- mata hijau (green eyes) = money oriented
- silat lidah (tongue fight) = bicker
Thus, that’s all the funny Indonesian translations that will make you laugh! Find other funny Indonesian phrases here!