
A-Z Vocabulary Builder Bahasa Indonesia – Definition and Examples

In learning a new language, you have to memorize many vocabularies. This is important, because vocabulary helps you to know about how to choose the right word, the meaning of some words, etc. in Bahasa Indonesia, it has so many of vocabularies, because Indonesia has many tribes, cultures, and languages.

And even when it comes to the formal Indonesian Language, it still has a lot of vocabularies. Most Used Indonesian Verbs can also be a good reference for you about the vocabularies.

There are many vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia that is used for a daily conversation. Tips for Learning Bahasa Indonesia for Beginner will let you know more about how to be fluent in Learning Bahasa Indonesia. The vocabularies-of course- has many words that might make many foreigners that want to learn Bahasa Indonesia get confused. That is on of the reason why the foreigners who want to learn Bahasa Indonesia need to know about the vocabulary builder. This article will help you to know more about vocabulary builder in Bahasa Indonesia.

Common vocabularies in daily conversation

  1. Greeting words
  • Pagi – morning (this is a short form of “selamat pagi” or “good morning” in English)
  • Siang – noon, afternoon (it is a short form of “selamat siang” or “good afternoon” in English)
  • Malam – night, evening (it is a short form of “selamat malam” or “good night” in English)
  • Salam – message, greet (it can be combined with the order sentence, like “beri salam” that means “greeting”)
  • Kabar – news (while “Apa Kabar” means “how are you” in greeting)
  • Baik – good, great,nice
  • Buruk – bad, terrible
  • Sehat – healthy, fit

You may also read: Friendly Greeting in Indonesian

  1. Question words
  • Apa -what
  • Kapan – when
  • Siapa – who
  • Kenapa – why
  • Mana – where ( it can be combined with ”di” before “mana”, so that it will means “where”)
  • Bagaimana – how
  • Berapa – how much, how many
  1. Body parts
  • Mata- eye
  • Hidung- nose
  • Telinga- ear
  • Mulut -mouth
  • Dagu – chin
  • Pipi – cheek
  • Dahi – forehead
  • Alis – eyebrow
  • Rambut – hair
  • Leher- neck
  • Bahu, pundak – shoulder, back
  • Lengan, tangan – arm, hand
  • Jari -finger
  • Siku – elbow
  • Dada – chest, breast
  • Puting – nipple
  • Pinggul – waist
  • Pantat – buttock, bottom, ass
  • Paha – thigh
  • Lutut – knee
  • Betis – calf
  • Kaki – foot, leg
  • Kuku – nail
  • Tumit – heel
  • Ginjal – kidney
  • Jantung – heart
  • Hati – liver
  • Otak – brain
  • Otot – muscle
  • Tulang – bone
  • Usus – intestine
  • Paru- paru – lung

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  1. Family relationship
  • Ayah , Bapak – father, dad
  • Ibu, bunda – mother, mom
  • Abang – brother (older)
  • Kakak – sister (older)
  • Adik – young brother or young sister
  • Nenek – grand mother
  • Kakek – grand father
  • Cucu – grand daughter or grand son
  • Keponakan – niece, nephew
  • Istri – wife
  • Suami – husband
  • Ipar – sister in law or brother in law
  • Kandung – biological, sibling (usually “ saudara “ is added before “kandung” to make the words mean “sibling”)
  • Tante – aunt, aunty
  • Paman, om – uncle
  • Sepupu – cousin
  • Yatim piatu – orphan
  • Janda – widower
  • Duda – widow

You may also read: Learn Indonesian Words for Family Members

  1. Verb
  • Makan – eat
  • Minum – drink
  • Jalan – walk, stroll
  • Lompat, loncat – jump, hop
  • Pergi – go, leave, go away
  • Pulang – go back, go home, return
  • Tidur – sleep, nap
  • Mandi – bath, take a bath, shower
  • Lari – run
  • Bayar – pay
  • Pukul – hit, punch
  • Potong- slice, cut
  • Tebang – chop
  • Terbang – fly
  • Ambil – take
  • Bangun – wake, rise
  • Lempar – throw
  • Tangkap – chase

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  1. Noun
  • Tanah – soil, ground
  • Air – water
  • Batu – rock, stone
  • Meja- table
  • Kursi – chair
  • Dinding – wall
  • Tas – bag, backpack
  • Binatang, hewan – animal
  • Matahari, mentari – sun
  • Sendok – spoon
  • Garpu – fork
  • Pisau – knife
  • Kabel – cable
  • Piring – plate
  • Sisir – comb
  • Cermin, kaca – mirror
  • Jam – clock, time (“jam” is an informal way to ask about time in Indonesia. For example, you can say “jam berapa sekarang” and it has the same meaning with “what time is it now” in English)
  • Dompet – wallet, purse
  • Cincin – ring
  • Gelang – bracelet
  • Kalung – necklace
  • Dasi – tie
  • Koper – suitcase
  • Rok – skirt
  • Jaket – jacket
  • Seragam – uniform
  • Rompi – vest
  • Topi – hat
  1. Pronoun

List of vocabulary builder Bahasa Indonesia:

  • Saya – I , me
  • Kamu – you
  • Mereka – they
  • Kami, kita – we
  • Dia – she , he , it
  • Sana – there
  • Sini – here
  • Ini – this
  • Itu – that
  1. Numeric
  • Satu – one
  • Dua – two
  • Tiga – three
  • Empat – four
  • Lima – five
  • Enam – six
  • Tujuh – seven
  • Delapan – eight
  • Sembilan – nine
  • Sepuluh – ten
  • Sebelas – eleven
  • Dua belas – twelve
  • Dua puluh – twenty
  • Dua puluh satu – twenty one
  • Tiga puluh – thirty
  • Empat puluh forty
  • Seratus – one hundred, a hundred
  • Seribu – a thousand, one thousand
  • Sepuluh ribu – ten thousand
  • Seratus ribu – one hundred and thousand
  • Satu juta, sejuta – one million, a million

Besides of the vocabularies above, there are many words of an informal way (slang) or “bahasa gaul” in Indonesian Language. Here are some common vocabularies used in an informal way.

  • Loh – what, why, how ( “loh” is a slang that is used to ask about someone’s opinion. this is used at the end of any sentence, or it is to express the confusion of someone)
  • Kan – right ( “kan” can have some meanings. It can mean a short of “bukan”. “ bukan” has the same meaning as “ right”, so that it is placed in the end of any sentence. While “kan” as the other meaning, it is used to tell someone about the thing that they are not supposed to do. For example “ Gelasnya pecah. Sudah kubilang, kan?” which means “ The glass is broken. I have already told you, right?)
  • Nggak – no
  • Alay – too much (act too much, hyper)
  • Galau – anxiety, worry, sad
  • Kepo – curious
  • Woles – relax, chill

That is all for the vocabulary builder Bahasa Indonesia article. Remember to practice Bahasa Indonesia everyday in order to be fluent in it. Hopefully this article will help you to enrich your Bahasa Indonesia vocabulary.