
100 Lists of Indonesian Adjectives – Grammars and Examples

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In previous posts of Indonesian Verbs and Indonesian Nouns we have discussed for common Indonesian Nouns and Verbs. Those nouns and verbs are very useful to be used in your daily conversation. If you want to see some examples of daily conversation in Indonesian language, kindly please check Indonesian Conversation Examples as a guide to learn how to have nice conversation in Indonesian language!

In this article we will show you about Indonesian Adjectives. “Adjectives” in Indonesian language equals to “Kata Sifat”. Adjective in grammar theory is “a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent.” Without further ado, let’s begin our study for Indonesian language of “Kata Sifat”!

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  1. Adjectives which Describe People’s Personality

In this part, we will guide you to learn Adjectives that match pronouns:

Indonesian Adjectives Meaning
Baik Good
Baik Hati Kind
Jahat Evil
Nakal Naughty
Sabar Patient
Rajin Diligent
Malas Lazy
Rendah Hati Humble
Serakah Greedy
Sombong Arrogant
Rakus Gluttonous
Dermawan Generous
Pelit Stingy

Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Adjectives in Sentences:

  • Baik = Good
    Dia orang yang sangat baik.
    She is a very good
  • Baik Hati = Kind
    Kau benar-benar orang yang sangat baik hati.
    You are really a kind
  • Jahat = Evil
    Saya tidak percaya ada orang jahat semacam dia!
    I cannot believe there is someone who is as evil as him!
  • Nakal = Naughty
    Teman sekelas anak saya sungguh-sungguh anak yang sangat nakal!
    My son’s classmate is really a very naughty boy!
  • Sabar = Patient
    Dokter gigi di klinik tersebut adalah pria yang sangat sabar.
    The dentist in that clinic is a very patient
  • Rajin = Diligent
    Saya memiliki seorang asisten yang sangat rajin.
    I have a very diligent
  • Malas = Lazy
    Akhir-akhir ini, putra saya sangat malas untuk mengerjakan tugasnya.
    Currently, my son is so lazy to do his work.
  • Rendah Hati = Humble
    Pendeta di Gereja tersebut sungguh rendah hati.
    The priest in that Church is so humble.
  • Serakah = Greedy
    Sungguh disayangkan bahwa Gubernur kita adalah orang yang sangat serakah.
    It is so unfortunate that our Governor is a very greedy
  • Sombong = Arrogant
    Hanya karena terpilih menjadi ketua kelas, ia menjadi sangat sombong.
    Just because he is chosen to be the class leader, he becomes arrogant.
  • Rakus = Gluttonous
    Semenjak ia menjadi presiden direktur, ia berubah menjadi sangat rakus.
    Since he became a director president, he becomes so gluttonous.
  • Dermawan = Generous
    Ia sering menyisihkan uang sakunya untuk membantu orang miskin. Ia sangat dermawan.
    He often spares his allowances to help the poor. He is so generous.
  • Pelit = Stingy
    Dia sangat pelit hingga dia tidak memiliki satu kawan pun.
    He is very stingy so he has no friend at all.

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  1. Adjectives Which Describe People’s Appearance

In this part, we will guide you to learn adjectives that to people appearance:

Indonesian Adjectives Meaning
Cantik Beautiful
Cantik Pretty
Jelek Ugly
Menawan Charming
Tampan Handsome
Gendut Fat
Kurus Thin
Langsing Slim
Tinggi Tall
Pendek Short
Menggemaskan Adorable
Tua Old
Muda Young
Imut Cute
Keren Cool

Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Adjectives in Sentences:

  • Cantik = Beautiful
    Pengantin wanita tersebut benar-benar cantik.
    The bride is truly beautiful.
  • Cantik = Pretty
    Gadis itu cantik, sama seperti ibunya.
    The girl is pretty, so is her mother.
  • Jelek = Ugly
    Dia melakukan operasi plastik karena dia lelah orang memanggilnya si Jelek.
    She has done a plastic surgery as she is tired for people call her the ugly.
  • Menawan = Charming
    Pria itu sungguh menawan bagaikan seorang pangeran.
    The man is so charming like a prince.
  • Tampan = Handsome
    Meskipun memiliki wajah tampan, ia memiliki sifat yang rendah hati.
    Although having handsome face, he has a humble personality.
  • Gendut = Fat
    Ia selalu rajin berolahraga karena ia memiliki tubuh yang gendut
    He is always exercising because he has fat body.
  • Kurus = Thin
    Tidak peduli sebanyak apapun makanan yang ia makan, ia tetap kurus.
    No matter how much food she eats, she still thin.
  • Langsing = Slim
    Semua orang di kampus iri dengan tubuhnya yang langsing
    Everyone in college is jealous with her slim body.
  • Tinggi = Tall
    Menjadi satu-satunya siswa asing di kelas, Frank yang sangat tinggi menjadi pemain basket.
    Being the only foreign student in class, Frank who is very tall become a basket player.
  • Pendek = Short
    Frank memiliki sahabat Indonesia bernama Anwar yang sangat pendek
    Frank has an Indonesian best-friend named Anwar who is so short.
  • Menggemaskan = Adorable
    Betty memiliki bayi perempuan yang sangat menggemaskan
    Betty has a baby girl who is so adorable
  • Tua = Old
    Memiliki tubuh yang tua tidak membuat kakekku berhenti untuk melukis.
    Having old body does not stop my grandfather to paint.
  • Muda = Young.
    Seolah-olah kakekku masih memiliki jiwa muda
    As if my grandfather still has his young soul.
  • Imut = Cute
    Karena dia pendek, ia terlihat imut dengan rok bermotif bunga.
    Because she is short, she looks cute with her flower-patterned skirt.
  • Keren = Cool
    Ia terlihat keren dengan rambut ekor kuda.
    She looks cool with ponytail hair.

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  1. Adjectives Which Describes Foods

In this part, we will guide you to learn adjectives in Indonesian that suitable to describe foods’ taste:

Indonesian Adjectives Meaning
Enak Delicious
Lezat Tasty
Tidak enak Untasty
Mengerikan Horrible
Pahit Bitter
Manis Sweet
Panas Hot
Dingin Cold
Hambar Tasteless
Segar Fresh
Asin Salty
Busuk Rotten

Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Adjectives in Sentences:

  • Enak = Delicious
    Makanan buatan ibuku sangat enak
    My mother’s cooking is so delicious.
  • Lezat = Tasty
    Makanan buatan kakakku juga lezat
    My brother’s cooking is also tasty.
  • Tidak Enak = Untasty
    Sedangkan makanan buatanku tidak enak.
    While my cooking is untasty.
  • Mengerikan = Horrible
    Setidaknya makananku tidak begitu mengerikan.
    At least my cooking is not that horrible
  • Pahit = Bitter
    Buah yang kutemukan di jalan memiliki rasa yang pahit
    The fruit which I found on the street has bitter taste.
  • Manis = Sweet
    Buah yang kubeli di pasar memiliki rasa yang manis.
    The fruit which I bought in the market has sweet
  • Panas = Hot
    Kebanyakan masakan Indonesia disajikan dalam keadaan panas
    Most of Indonesian foods are served in hot condition.
  • Dingin = Cold
    Berbeda dengan beberapa masakan Eropa yang disajikan dalam keadaan dingin
    Different with some Europe foods that are served cold.
  • Hambar = Tasteless
    Sagu memiliki rasa yang hambar
    Sagoo is tasteless.
  • Segar = Fresh
    Koki memastikan bahan makanan yang digunakan segar
    The cook makes sure the ingredients are fresh.
  • Asin = Salty
    Keripik kentang yang dijual di pasar memiliki rasa asin
    Potato crisps sold in the market are salty.
  • Busuk = Rotten
    Beberapa sayur di pasar tradisional dijual murah karena busuk
    Some vegetables sold in the traditional market are on sale since they are rotten.

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  1. Adjectives Which Describes Objects

In this part, we will guide you to learn adjectives in Indonesian that describe any kind of objects:

Indonesian Adjectives Meaning
Indah Beautiful
Cantik Pretty
Jelek Ugly
Mengerikan Horrible
Basah Wet
Kering Dry
Besar Big
Kecil Small
Wide Lebar
Sempit Narrow
Berwarna Colorful
Dalam Deep

Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Adjectives in Sentences:

  • Indah = Beautiful
    Lukisan itu sangat indah
    The painting is so beautiful.
  • Cantik = Pretty
    Oleh-oleh ini sungguh cantik
    This souvenir is so pretty.
  • Jelek = Ugly
    Pola kain tersebut terlihat jelek
    The fabric pattern looks ugly.
  • Mengerikan = Horrible
    Rupa patung tersebut mengerikan
    The statue appearance is horrible.
  • Basah = Wet
    Baju tersebut tidak dapat digunakan karena masih basah
    The shirt is unable to be worn because it is still wet.
  • Kering = Dry
    Kamu bisa menggunakannya setelah baju itu kering
    You can use it after the shirt is dry.
  • Besar = Big
    Porsi makanan ini sangat besar
    This food portion is too big for me.
  • Kecil = Small
    Ukuran topi ini terlalu kecil untuk kekasihku.
    This hat size is too small for my boyfriend.
  • Wide = Lebar
    Ukuran lapangan ini sangat lebar sehingga kami bisa melakukan dua permainan dalam waktu yang sama.
    This field size is so wide so we can play two games in the same time.
  • Sempit = Narrow
    Kami bersedih untuk anak-anak yang tidak bisa bermain di luar ruangan karena lapangan terlalu sempit
    We are sad for children who cannot play outside since the field is too narrow.
  • Berwarna = Colorful
    Adikku suka benda berwarna
    My sister likes colorful stuff
  • Dalam = Deep
    Sumur itu sangat dalam
    The well is so deep.

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  1. Adjectives Which Describes People’s Condition

In this part, we will guide you to learn adjectives in Indonesian to describe people’s conditions:

Indonesian Adjectives Meaning
Kaya Rich
Miskin Poor
Sedih Sad
Senang Happy
Tenang Calmful
Cemburu Jealous
Iri Envious
Bersemangat Excited
Lesu Sluggish
Lemah Weak
Cemas Nervous
Ceroboh Clumsy

Here is the explanation and the example of Indonesian Adjectives in Sentences:

  • Kaya = Rich
    DIa sangat kaya.
    He is so rich
  • Miskin = Poor
    Dia sering membantu temannya yang miskin
    He often helps his friend who is poor.
  • Sedih = Sad
    Dia sedih karena kalah dalam pertandingan.
    He is sad because he lost in the game.
  • Senang = Happy
    Kekasihnya membuat ia senang
    His girlfriend makes him happy again.
  • Tenang = Calmful
    Dia selalu tenang dalam menghadapi musuhnya.
    He is always being calmful when he is approaching his enemy.
  • Cemburu = Jealous
    Ayah cemburu ketika kakak perempuanku menelpon kekasihnya.
    My father is jealous when my sister is calling her boyfriend.
  • Iri = Envious
    Aku merasa iri dengan prestasi kakakku.
    I feel envious with my brother achievement
  • Bersemangat = Excited
    Anak itu terlihat bersemagat.
    That kid looks
  • Lesu = Sluggish
    Temanku terlihat
    My friend looks sluggish.
  • Lemah = Weak
    Temanku memang memiliki tubuh yang
    My friend indeed has weak body.
  • Cemas = Nervous
    Aku merasa cemas ketika bertemu guru.
    I feel nervous when I meet my teacher.
  • Ceroboh = Clumsy
    Dirinya sungguh ceroboh sehingga ia menumpahkan seluruh jus jeruk.
    He is so clumsy that he spilled the orange juice.

So, those are common adjectives in Indonesian. There are only some of “Kata Sifat”, in fact there are still more! So never be lazy to study and practice Indonesian language! If you like this article, please share this article in your Twitter and Facebook so you can help your friends to study Indonesian language too! Stay tune in Mastering Bahasa as we update our article frequently! Sampai Jumpa!