Hello there, let’s back to learn something new in Bahasa Indonesia. So, are you excited today? We hope you all excited what is the lesson today. Today we talk about a similar thing like yesterday, yup it is about useful vocabulary in Indonesian language.
Vocabulary in Indonesia is much, you also already learn about Indonesian days name, some list of Indonesian dishes, the informal Indonesian phrases, how to say the days of the week in Indonesian and more. Well, today we will discuss some useful vocabulary in Indonesian that always use in our daily life. Below here are the lists of useful vocabularies in Indonesia.
The lists of useful vocabularies in Indonesia
No.[/th] [th]Vocabulary[/th] [th]Meaning
1.[/td] [td]Baik[/td] [td]Good
2.[/td] [td]Baru[/td] [td]New
3.[/td] [td]Besar[/td] [td]Big
4.[/td] [td]Buruk[/td] [td]Bad
5.[/td] [td]Cepat[/td] [td]Fast
6.[/td] [td]Dalam[/td] [td]Deep
7.[/td] [td]Kecil[/td] [td]Small
8.[/td] [td]Kosong[/td] [td]Empty
9.[/td] [td]Lama[/td] [td]Old
10.[/td] [td]Lambat[/td] [td]Slow
11.[/td] [td]Lebar[/td] [td]Wide
12.[/td] [td]Mudah[/td] [td]Easy
13.[/td] [td]Panjang[/td] [td]Long
14.[/td] [td]Pendek[/td] [td]Short
15.[/td] [td]Penuh[/td] [td]Full
16.[/td] [td]Sempit[/td] [td]Narrow
17.[/td] [td]Sulit[/td] [td]Difficult
18.[/td] [td]Tebal[/td] [td]Thick
19.[/td] [td]Tinggi[/td] [td]Tall
20.[/td] [td]Tipis[/td] [td]Thin
The above lists are the useful vocabularies in Indonesia that always use in the daily activity. However, how to use it in a sentence? Please check the following below example, there are five examples that use the same vocabularies as above lists. So, here we go.
The example of the useful vocabularies in Indonesia
- Buku ini dijual dengan harga murah karena buku ini sangat tipis (This book is sold at a cheap price because this book is very thin).
- Rina lebih pendek dari pada Toni (Rina is shorter than Toni).
- Ujian Matematika lebih sulit dari pada ujian bahasa Inggris (Mathematical test is more difficult than the English test).
- Dina mendapatkan baju baru dari Lia (Dina gets a new shirt from Lia).
- Saya mendapatkan sepatu baru dari ibu (I get new shoes from my mother).
For the first try, you can make a sentence like; Saya mendapatkan sepatu baru dari ibu. It means I get new shoes from my mother. Baru, if you want to add this word and want to explain something like; new shoes, a new wallet, a new bag, and else. You should put baru after the object, such as sepatu baru, dompet baru, tas baru, and else.
However, the vocabularies can use in comparison sentence, in Indonesian we call it kalimat perbandingan. The example is Rina lebih pendek dari pada Toni. It means Rina shorter than Toni, in Indonesia if you want to compare with a thing you should use lebih then follow with vocabulary like pendek. For the word “than” you can write dari pada then followed by the subject or the object.
The last example is you can make a sentence with two vocabularies in one sentence, how? You can make like this; Buku ini dijual dengan sangat murah karena buku ini tipis. In this sentence, we found two vocabularies, murah, and tipis. If we translate in English, it says that this book is sold at a cheap prize because this book is thin.
More example of the useful vocabularies in Indonesia
- Mobil itu berjalan melambat (The car is running slowly)
- Penyakit jantung ayah semakin memburuk (The father’s heart disease get worsened)
- Ruangan ini penuh sesak (This room is crowded).
- Air dalam gelas itu telah habis (The water in the glass has run out)
Okay, the above examples are different from the first. So, let’s quick explain; in here you can use the prefix in your vocabulary and it will be has a different meaning. Mobil itu berjalan melambat, it means the car is running slowly. The prefix me and then follow lambat, it means that the car is running slower than usual. Next, Ruangan ini penuh sesak; penuh it means full. However, the meaning can change into another meaning, penuh sesak the meaning it’s not full anymore but it changes to be crowded. Last example; air dalam gelas itu telah habis, it means the water in the glass has run out. What are you think about habis? Habis it has a similar meaning as kosong (empty). So, if you hear people said that air dalam gelas itu telah habis. It means the glass is empty, no more water anymore. Is this clear? If it is clear, let’s take some practices to make some sentences with this useful vocabulary in Indonesian.
Hopefully, the above on a useful vocabulary in Indonesian could be useful for us who wants to learn more about Indonesia’s vocabulary. So, how is your progress to learn the vocabulary of Indonesia? Please, do not give up and you also can learn this vocabulary too on anjir meaning in Indonesian. Good luck