Hai semuanya, apa kabar? Today, I am going to tell you about one of the common word that is used in Indonesian. This word is funny, and sometimes disgusting to say. It is a “poop” word in Indonesian. “Poop” or “BAB” in Indonesian means excretion from the anal cavity. There are many ways to say […]
Tag: conversation
Hello everyone, how are you? I hope you are doing well. In this opportunity, I would like to explain about one of the important thing in Indonesian conversation. It is the goodbye phrases in Indonesian. You can learn Indonesian Letter Writing Phrases to enrich your knowledge about Indonesian phrase.The opposite of greeting, goodbye is used […]
Hello great people, hope you a have great day today. The word Really can be translated into several meanings in Indonesian. how to say Really in Indonesian? Really: Sangat (formal) Sungguh (formal) Benar-benar Amat (Informal) Really? Beneran? (Informal) Amat (a.mat). Amat is one of formal words used to describe really. Lalu lintas di Jakarta amat padat dan tidak […]
Hello guys, how are you today? I hope you become more interested in learning Bahasa Indonesia with us J In this article we’re gonna give you a number of examples of how to say “ I am 13 years old” in Indonesian. Usia (u.sia) means age. You can also use umur (u.mur). However, there is […]
Hello all, I hope you have a good day. Today I would like to show you how to say Police in Indonesian. We, Indonesians say polisi (po.li.si) as term for Police. Here are some sentence examples of how to say police in Indonesia Ke mana arah pos polisi yang paling dekat dari sini? (Where is […]
Hello everyone! Today, I am going to tell you about a common word. This word is used to greet an older women. It is “oma”. Many Indonesian people use “oma” to call their grandmother. Based on KBBI (Indonesian Great Dictionary), “oma” means “nenek” which means “grandmother” or “grandma” in English. Many people in Indonesia use […]
Hi everyone, how are you today? I hope you all doing good wherever you are. Today we’re gonna learn something more practical about Bahasa Indonesia which is basic daily conversation in public spot in Bahasa Indonesia. We will take practical example from several places that you will often come to during your time in Indonesia. […]
Hello good people, I hope you have a great day. Today we are talking about a drink that many people love to have: coffee. However we don’t discuss about its long historical story, or how to grow them, but we talk about how Indonesian order coffee. Nowadays, many people have coffee as a lifestyle. […]
Hi everyone! How is it going? I trust this post finds you well. Today we’re gonna learn about simple conversation in Indonesian language. The focus is gonna be simple conversation at the convenience store, simple conversation when shop at the street food stall and simple conversation at the neighborhood. If this is your first time […]
Hello guys, we come back to give you another lesson of Bahasa Indonesia today. Before we learn a new lesson, we have to review first, what lessons have you learned before. Yesterday, you have already know about new years greeting in Indonesian, how to say Hello in Indonesian, common greetings in Indonesian and also Indonesian greeting customs. Now, we will […]